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sloe gin question


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  • sloe gin question

    Hey I've made 3 bottles of sloe gin - but i don't know how much sugar to put in. I read all of the threads on it but none of them are for the same measurement i had so I just winged it.

    I had 2 small bottles from lakeland that i now just found out are 500ml. I filled each bottle about 1/3 full with sloes that id frozen then cut up abit to release the juice. but obviously there is not 500ml in there as there are sloes taking up space, so how much sugar do you add? I have about 1/4 of a bottle of gin left (slurp)

    Sorry if the answer is obvious, but I really am rubbish at maths. If possible can someone answer in teaspoons too as I don;t have scales! Thanks

  • #2
    I thought you soaked it in large kilner jars, and when done - it goes into the lakeland sloe gin bottled....


    • #3
      I usually fill whatever recepticle I'm using (usually a 1l kilner jar) to 1/3rd full with sloes, top up to 2/3rds full with sugar then fill to top with gin. Easy!!
      Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


      • #4
        You can make it in smaller bottles, its just the measurements are different.

        Lainey, if I'm reading that right you put 1/3 of sugar in?? Is it really sweet?


        • #5
          I'd just shove a tablespoon or two in - and add more later if it is too sharp.
          Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


          • #6
            Good idea - I guess it doesn't matter when I add the sugar as it has no real affect on it, just to sweeten it.


            • #7
              This year we picked 5lb sloes, I used about 1�lb sugar (maybe a bit more) with that. I tend to use a lot more sloes to the amount of gin than other people are reporting. I fill jam-jar type jars (but bigger) 3/4 full of sloes, top up with sugar (without shaking until I've finished putting it in), shake to cover the sloes with sugar then let stand a couple of days before adding the gin to fill the jars. The 5lb sloes filled 4 big 'olive' jars, and it used a bit over litre of gin, there will be nearly 2 litres of liqueur when bottled.
              Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


              • #8
                Originally posted by buzzingtalk View Post
                You can make it in smaller bottles, its just the measurements are different.

                Lainey, if I'm reading that right you put 1/3 of sugar in?? Is it really sweet?
                Yes that's what I do, it's fairly sweet, but that's how I like it!
                Don't get too hung up on the measurements, if you want to add less sugar or none at all and adjust later it won't matter, it's just a case of experimenting to see how you like it.
                Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hilary B View Post
                  This year we picked 5lb sloes, I used about 1�lb sugar (maybe a bit more) with that. I tend to use a lot more sloes to the amount of gin than other people are reporting. I fill jam-jar type jars (but bigger) 3/4 full of sloes, top up with sugar (without shaking until I've finished putting it in), shake to cover the sloes with sugar then let stand a couple of days before adding the gin to fill the jars. The 5lb sloes filled 4 big 'olive' jars, and it used a bit over litre of gin, there will be nearly 2 litres of liqueur when bottled.
                  Aha! So it was you who beat me to all the easy to reach sloes this year (and I have the scratches to prove it!!)
                  Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


                  • #10
                    My sloe gin recipe is
                    - 400g washed frozen sloes
                    - 150g sugar
                    - 500ml gin (or vodka, or that cheap weaker spirit from Aldi)
                    - an empty 75cl bottle

                    That's my basic recipe, but I tend to make up a larger amount and do it in a 3l or 5l plastic bottle. Sloes first, then sugar, then gin.
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lainey lou View Post
                      Aha! So it was you who beat me to all the easy to reach sloes this year (and I have the scratches to prove it!!)
                      Not unless you came over to thefootpath/track beside the horse-exercising grounds south of Swindon, and after we picked them, you couldn't see that the bushes were any less laden. A bumper year for that particular spot (although less good in other places)
                      Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


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