Thanks TS. Coming to the conclusion that homebrewing is a bit like gardening ... ask two people a question and get two different answers
The recipe book I have says to use 3 lbs fruit and 3 lbs sugar from the start and GP yeast. She says it will produce a sweet wine and to alter it to taste by experimenting if that's too sweet, but go no lower then 2.5 lbs sugar. I'm not a great fan of dry wines so a strong sweet wine could be up my street. My uderstanding from the book is that the yeast will run out of steam and there will be a residual sweetness left over. She talks about country wines traditionally being sweet rather than dry. The book is from the fifties so maybe we're a bit more sophisticated in our tastes these days? I guess it's all theory for me right now. Even though I have two on the go I've yet to finish one and actually taste it. I followed her 3 and 3 recipe for rhubarb and it has been going for a few weeks now and hasn't stalled. Appreciate all the advice as always, it's an education
