I've searched and I've goggled but can't find a recipe for lemonade like momma used to make. I seem to remember that there was a small concoction made up at the chemist's. Can anyone help please.
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Can't find my school recipe book, but I know the lemonade I made at school was great.
Pretty sure it used 2 lemons to make 2 pints, but not sure about the amount of sugar, suspect about 4oz, but less confident of that.
Method I am sure of, peel lemons with a potato peeler, put peel in a small saucepan with � pint water and bring to the boil. Allow to cool (doesn't need to get completely cold) then remove the peel. Dissolve the sugar in another 1� pints water, add the juice of the lemons, and the cooled peel-water. Chill, keep in fridge for up to 3 days.Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.
If you have a liquidiser or food processor you could try this. Whiole lemons, sugar, water.
Cut lemons in quarters, take out all the pips you can see and put in liquidiser with water and a bit of sugar. turn on for no more than six seconds and strain through muslin. Add more water if you like and sugar to taste. Very refreshing!
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