Originally posted by chris
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Originally posted by chris
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Originally posted by VirginVegGrower
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Remember to sterilise whatever you're stirring with: I use a wooden spoon, sterilised by pouring boiling kettle water over it.
Originally posted by chris
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(I don't use a thermometer)
I chuck it all in, bar the yeast & nutrient, keep stirring till the sugar's all dissolved (it should be, if you put it in boiling water).
Sometimes, if I'm feeling rich, I use supermarket grape juice instead of sugar & water. Not UHT though, or anything with preservatives in.
It's about 90p in Aldi or Tesco.
When it's cooled down a bit (doesn't take long in my kitchen, brrrr) I take an SG reading, THEN when it's about 20c (ish, I don't measure), I add the yeast & nutrient.
Leave it in the bucket for 4 days for the primary, vigorous ferment, stirring twice daily.
On day 5, it goes in the DJ, but only up to the shoulders, as it may still be quite vigorous (as you discovered). There's a really funny picture somewhere in the old threads, of someone's wine. There's more on the table and up the walls than there is in the DJ, lol.
When the bubbles in the airlock have slowed down (if you use plastic DJs like I do, you won't always have bubbling because the plastic bottle expands & stretches with the gas) I top up to the neck with grape juice (it's less faff for me than making a sugar syrup).