I started a rhubarb wine with a couple of sticks from the garden about 10 days ago, and it has started to ferment quite nicely now. I used a recipe from John Wright, the foraging fella who hangs sround with Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall.
I have been told that it is a nice wine for blending as it doesn't change existing flavours in the other wine, but I think I will keep it pure as a light, summer's afternoon tipple. (Assuming that we actually get a proper summer this year)
I am hoping that it will be ready to drink in about two weeks time - I will let you all know how it tastes.
I have been told that it is a nice wine for blending as it doesn't change existing flavours in the other wine, but I think I will keep it pure as a light, summer's afternoon tipple. (Assuming that we actually get a proper summer this year)
I am hoping that it will be ready to drink in about two weeks time - I will let you all know how it tastes.