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Juicer spare part needed for old juicer


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  • Juicer spare part needed for old juicer

    Hi Grapes

    This is a long shot I know, but I have a juicer, L'Equip Visor 590, which they don't make anymore and which needs a new strainer. Does anyone out there have a clue where I could find one? I have tried online but no luck. At the moment, my only hope is ebay, where I could buy a second hand juicer for �80 and thus get the spare part. But it seems an expensive option! Any help will be gratefully received!
    My Autumn 2016 blog entry, all about Plum Glut Guilt:

  • #2
    I expect you have tried this, they are the sole importers of L'Equip juicers apparently, they dont list your model but its worth calling and asking.

    Juice Machine Spares & Accessories | Power Juicer Spares | UK Juicers

    SInce writng the above I found this, which is sadly very bad news for your machine....

    The plot thickens, apparenty your juicer is made by a company called NUC (In Korea) It might be your last hope..
    Last edited by Bill HH; 05-02-2014, 03:29 PM.
    photo album of my garden in my profile


    • #3
      Just Gurgled your juicer ('tis a heck of a beast you have there)to see what the strainer looks like but couldn't pin it down. Could you show us the strainer? If it's metal possibly a local fabricator could knock one up for you.

      Cheers, Tony.
      Semper in Excrementem Altitvdo Solvs Varivs.


      • #4
        Hi Tony and Bill

        Thanks so much for replying and for Gargling on my behalf. I have seen both the top sites you list Bill but not the Korean one, which actually looks a possibility. I will investigate. Will try taking a pic of the strainer Tony and will put it on, but it ain't a simple device - 'tis made of metal and plastic. The one I have at the moment is cracked but still okay... hanging on in there... it may be that my best bet is to buy the ebay machine which would keep me in spare parts for a wee while, even if it is eighty squid. Anyway thanks v much for both your helps
        My Autumn 2016 blog entry, all about Plum Glut Guilt:


        • #5
          I noticed that if you ferret about a bit on the korean site there is an email address, got to be worth asking,

          Good luck and let us know how you get on.
          photo album of my garden in my profile


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bill HH View Post
            I noticed that if you ferret about a bit on the korean site there is an email address, got to be worth asking,

            Good luck and let us know how you get on.
            Thanks Bill, will do!
            My Autumn 2016 blog entry, all about Plum Glut Guilt:



            • #7
              Hi Bill and Tony

              Just wanted to let you know that another part is on the way out on my ole juicer (this week I've had to hit the juicer cap thingy with a hammer to get it unscrewed!) so I have today taken the plunge and ordered a completely new juicer.

              A bit of a pricey solution but I decided to treat myself ready for the glut of veg we will hopefully get later this year on lottie!


              Thanks so much for your help the twoze of you.
              My Autumn 2016 blog entry, all about Plum Glut Guilt:



              • #8
                Nice heavy duty looking juicer

                Hurom Juicer HU-100 in Chrome at
                Location....East Midlands.


                • #9
                  Many thanks for posting a better link to the Hurom, Bren. Yes, it looks a sturdy machine, doesn't it? It's a 'vertical' one (my old un is horizontal) so should take up less room on a worktop already bristling with appliances. I love a new gadget. There's a connection between those last two sentences...
                  My Autumn 2016 blog entry, all about Plum Glut Guilt:



                  • #10
                    Strainer for Visor 590

                    Originally posted by Noosner View Post
                    Hi Grapes

                    This is a long shot I know, but I have a juicer, L'Equip Visor 590, which they don't make anymore and which needs a new strainer. Does anyone out there have a clue where I could find one? I have tried online but no luck. At the moment, my only hope is ebay, where I could buy a second hand juicer for �80 and thus get the spare part. But it seems an expensive option! Any help will be gratefully received!
                    Hi Noosner,

                    I'm also having similar problems as yourself. My juice strainer is also broken, and I can't find a replacement.
                    Being as you have just bought a new juicer would you consider selling me the strainer from your Visor?
                    I would be incredibly grateful! Pretty please...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Noosner View Post

                      This is a long shot I know, but I have a juicer, L'Equip Visor 590, which they don't make anymore and which needs a new strainer.
                      Originally posted by Kenk View Post
                      Hi Noosner,

                      I'm also having similar problems as yourself. My juice strainer is also broken, and I can't find a replacement.
                      Being as you have just bought a new juicer would you consider selling me the strainer from your Visor?
                      I would be incredibly grateful! Pretty please...
                      Hello Kev and welcome to the Forum. Not sure why you want to buy Noosner's old strainer as its broken!! That's why she asked about spares.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Noosner View Post
                        Hi Grapes

                        This is a long shot I know, but I have a juicer, L'Equip Visor 590, which they don't make anymore and which needs a new strainer. Does anyone out there have a clue where I could find one? I have tried online but no luck. At the moment, my only hope is ebay, where I could buy a second hand juicer for �80 and thus get the spare part. But it seems an expensive option! Any help will be gratefully received!
                        Hi again,

                        I've just realised that your strainer is also broken (haha, I'm an idiot!), I got slightly confused when I read that you'd broken a different part with a hammer.
                        Just how badly damaged is your strainer? Mine is completely destroyed, twisted metal and broken plastic!

                        Happy birthday by the way!



                        • #13
                          Welcome to the vine Kev, could you please add your location to your profile?


                          • #14
                            Hello Kenk, I'm afraid that was an old thread (February) and my old juicer is long gone now, including the strainer! So sorry.

                            It's annoying that one can't get spare parts anymore, Grrrrr.

                            But welcome to the vine!

                            VC, thanks for yr intervention! X
                            My Autumn 2016 blog entry, all about Plum Glut Guilt:



                            • #15
                              Closed to save future confused posts
                              He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                              Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


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