Morning all, please bear with me.
After taking on an allotment late last year, this year has been the first fully rewarding year with regards to growing my own.
I'm keen on preserving and picking but after looking up on Google, so many different process methods pop up and now I dont know what to do
I made my first ever jar of strawberry jam last night (only a small jar to see if I could do it) following the recipe on the side of the jam sugar I bought.
Strawberries, sugar, boiled, set and put in the steralised kilner jar. Happy days. Or so I thought.
No mention of canning, water bath or pressure canning but after looking on the internet today, all recipes call for a water bath for jams. Now I don't know whether to throw my jam away for the risk of botulism.
Any wise words to help would be much appreciated.
After taking on an allotment late last year, this year has been the first fully rewarding year with regards to growing my own.
I'm keen on preserving and picking but after looking up on Google, so many different process methods pop up and now I dont know what to do

I made my first ever jar of strawberry jam last night (only a small jar to see if I could do it) following the recipe on the side of the jam sugar I bought.
Strawberries, sugar, boiled, set and put in the steralised kilner jar. Happy days. Or so I thought.
No mention of canning, water bath or pressure canning but after looking on the internet today, all recipes call for a water bath for jams. Now I don't know whether to throw my jam away for the risk of botulism.
Any wise words to help would be much appreciated.