I use a various assortment of jars for our own use but I wanted some nice ones for my jams, chutneys etc to give as presents. I ordered these and they arrived the next day, really nice quality with lids and the price includes delivery. They do them in smaller quantities but I bought the big box and split them with a neighbour.
280ml Hex Glass Food Chutney Jam pickle Jar + caps * 84 on eBay, also Canisters Jars, Food Storage, Kitchen, Home Garden (end time 21-Aug-08 23:09:42 BST)
280ml Hex Glass Food Chutney Jam pickle Jar + caps * 84 on eBay, also Canisters Jars, Food Storage, Kitchen, Home Garden (end time 21-Aug-08 23:09:42 BST)