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Apple and Chilli Jelly


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  • Apple and Chilli Jelly

    Have you glut of apples?
    Try the following recipe

    Apples chopped up rough in a large pan.
    Cover with water and boil till soft. Place mixture in to a jelly bag or a piece of muslin and let drain overnight.

    Discard pulp, and for every pint of juice add 1lb of sugar boil till reaches setting point( about 15 min),

    Chop up red chillies and add to mix 2 or 3 min before the end. The amount is up to you, depending on how hot you like it. Place in to sterilised jars and seal straight away.

    Will keep up to a year.


  • #2
    I did similar to this last year except using cider instead of water!Absolutely yummy!!& looked really pretty too!!
    Bonus was not having to peel or core the apples~however the waiting for them to strain balanced that out!!
    However,was worth the faf!!I'd reccomend also!
    the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

    Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


    • #3
      Will have a go at that recipe sounds lovely.I made my first Crab Apple Jelly last night and I'm really pleased with it.It's so easy and cheap if you gather from the hedgerows.On a mission now to try some unusual flavours.
      Last edited by lettucegrow!; 08-10-2008, 06:03 PM.
      Gardening forever- housework whenever


      • #4
        The traditional mint version is as easy. Add enough chopped fresh fresh mint as 'looks right' when the jelly is nearing setting point (it should remind you of one of those snow-scene things you shake). A bit of green food colour doesn't come amiss if you want it to look 'traditional', but it tastes as good without.
        I wonder what OTHER herbs or spices would work?????
        Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


        • #5
          I made this this morning, WOW! It's fab. Had some cider so I used that instead of water and used quite a lot of chilli as we like it hot!
          Then sieved the remaining pulp and also made an apple jam.
          It's so easy I think I will make another lot soonish (must find some more jars first!) and try a thyme version too.

          Thanks Merry!


          • #6
            Originally posted by merry View Post
            Have you glut of apples?
            Try the following recipe

            Apples chopped up rough in a large pan.
            Cover with water and boil till soft. Place mixture in to a jelly bag or a piece of muslin and let drain overnight.

            Discard pulp, and for every pint of juice add 1lb of sugar boil till reaches setting point( about 15 min),

            Chop up red chillies and add to mix 2 or 3 min before the end. The amount is up to you, depending on how hot you like it. Place in to sterilised jars and seal straight away.

            Will keep up to a year.

            LOL I was looking at some Chilli apple jelly on the Devon Chilli farm web sight yesterday! I Think it cost �3.00 for quite a small jar! Then you would be looking at p&p charges on top of that! I did a google and found what looks like same recipe on the BBC food recipes web site, Small world! Today I saw this link, must be a signe!! I am going to try to make some over the weekend but need to get a jelly bag first!

            This is the second time this week that things I have looked at or had anything to do with one day, has turned up a second or third time from another place but in a way connected to this web site! sorry peeps, Just to side track from the chilli apple thing, for a moment to explain the other deja vu!

            Earlier in the week while at work, on the works pc, I was playing Hey Wayne's just for fun, music link game on here! Out of nowhere Alton Ellis, a Reggae & Ska singer popped into my head so I used one of his songs that fitted as one of the links. ( just to point out, I am not a particular fan of Alton, have just hared of him!)

            Later that night at home on my own pc, I logged on to My Space to check my messages, what happens?? The name Alton Ellis is plastered all over the My Space adds! Then last nite I was talking to a friend of mine and out of the blue he mentioned Alton Ellis as well! Turns out Alton died on 10th of this month, Jah/God Bless him, R I P Lion!

            I'm now looking on all the links on here to see if any other deja vu's turn up! I love these sort of things, there must be something more than coincidence to it all!
            Last edited by Irie Jan; 17-10-2008, 02:34 PM.
            Live like you never lived before!

            Laugh Like you never laughed before!

            Love like you never loved before!

            One Love & Unity



            • #7
              Originally posted by vicky View Post
              It's so easy I think I will make another lot soonish (must find some more jars first!) and try a thyme version too.

              Thanks Merry!
              If I had a glut I would def make this - on holiday I bought some 'jules and sharpie' hot apple and sage jelly. �4.50!!!! but we were self catering and it livened up everything since I forgot to take so many essentials. It is amber coloured with tiny green flecks and the odd red one. Lovely with pork and chicken but they recommend it with duck and soft cheese as well. Wish I had more than two apples.


              • #8
                Glad I spotted this thread. I have about a dozen apples starting to drop off my trees now and was wondering what to do with them!

                PS Could I just pack the Jalapeno's into a jar and pour the apple/sugar mixture over them instead of vinegar?
                Last edited by Snadger; 17-10-2008, 07:02 PM.
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • #9
                  I have made a small batch - 6 x 12oz jars for the Farmers Market (which starts in 3 hours time) - wil let you know how it sells !!

                  British by birth
                  Scottish by the Grace of God



                  • #10
                    Hi Snager
                    Dont see why not. Would just give a warm glow?

                    Would love to know how it sells at your market sewer rat.

                    Have lots of other recipies if any one wants any just drop me a mail.


                    Bit of a food freak, love messing in the kitchen


                    • #11
                      Instead of laying out cash for fancy jelly bag (Irie Jan) I used an old pillow case to drain pulp overnight,it worked well.
                      Gardening forever- housework whenever


                      • #12
                        I made chilli jam today. 100g red/green chillies, 2 pints tomato puree (from fresh home grown tomatoes stewed and sieved), 1 pint water, 1.5kg bramley apples. Wearing gloves this time I cut out the pith and seeds from the chillies and added them to the apple mix. The flesh of the chiilies I chopped and reserved for later. Stewed everything until the apples were very soft, then sieved out all the pips and skins.
                        I measured the puree (5.5 pints), and added a lb of sugar to each pint, together with the chopped chillies. The mix was then boiled to setting point.
                        The benefit of making jam instead of jelly is you get a higher yield and the tomato puree makes the jam a slightly orange colour, and give a fruity taste. This jam is pretty hot, good with cheese, cold meet, or added to chinese dishes. 2nd son likes it just as jam sarnies!
                        I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                        Now a little Shrinking Violet.



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