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making passata?


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  • making passata?

    OH has worked out that we spend at least £150 a year on dolmio type sauces.
    I am sure mrs dobby mentioned a passata that she makes and then uses for sauces...

    Does anyone have the recipe?

    Mrs Dobby? Anyone?

    I would love to stop lining dolmio's pockets this year!


  • #2
    i make a great tomato soup, with tinned tomatoes, carrots and onions, and a tube of tomato puree. liquidised with amounts of each to taste, add herbs etc ....... freezes really well, when defrosted add some water for soup, unless you like it really thick.

    and goes really well with pasta, just as it is.

    defrost .....add garlic and extra herbs and chopped onions, mushrooms and mince and voila perfect bolognaise.

    also makes a good sauce to use on top of pizzas, and anything else that you need a tomato sauce for, and makes the kids eat onions and carrots if they won't already
    Last edited by lynda66; 03-02-2009, 09:11 PM.


    • #3
      Until Mrs D gets back, have you done a search on 'passata' - I'm sure various recipes were posted last autumn.

      I just put loads of toms in with some olive oil, and cook until they disintegrate, then put through a sieve - twice - and cook down until thick. Then freeze it in icecube trays, and knock out into freezer bags.


      • #4
        Originally posted by zazen999 View Post

        I just put loads of toms in with some olive oil, and cook until they disintegrate, then put through a sieve - twice - and cook down until thick. Then freeze it in icecube trays, and knock out into freezer bags.
        i so hope i get loads of tomatoes this year so i don't have to use tinned ones lol


        • #5
          Passata is sieved tomatoes. BBC - Food - Recipes - Tomato passata

          For a dolmio type pasta sauce, you just need to saute some onions/shallots, garlic, add a tin of chopped toms and a splodge of tomato puree and some mixed herbs. A tsp of Marmite always helps too.
          For a thicker sauce, a handful of cooked beans helps (puree the sauce)
          Last edited by Two_Sheds; 04-02-2009, 12:06 PM.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            Fresh garden tomatoes aren't the same flavour or texture as tinned plum tomatoes, so you need to roast them before you make the sauce, to get the water out.
            Make a batch and freeze in individual portions.
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #7
              I just throw lots of tomatoes into a pan, simmer for a while to get all of the juice out, and then put the lot through a Mouli to remove pips and skin. Freeze in 1 pint portions (roughly). When defrosted you can reduce it if it's a bit watery and add herbs/garlic etc as required.
              Growing in the Garden of England


              • #8
                Thanks all


                • #9
                  Hi Janeyo,

                  Yes, we make our own Passata, and our own ketchup and tomato puree, all of which is cooked and then either bottled or frozen for future use! (Make sure if you are bottling / canning it that you follow proper procedures and thoroughly treat it in a boiling water bath before sealing the bottles / jars)

                  Generally I make ours from fresh toms, not bothering to roast them first as we are mainly using our processed toms in pasta and rice dishes, so flavour is more important for us than having the toms keep their shape, but it can be done either way!

                  Uusally what I do for a tomato base for pasta is chop a couple of onions and 4 or 5 cloves of garlic and saute them until translucent (I've also added chopped courgettes to cook them and freeze, which makes everything go further if you have a courgette glut)
                  , then just chopped as many toms as you want to process and add them to the pot, simmering until it has reduced! I normally add mixed herbs plus 3 or 4 bay leaves plus plenty of freshly ground black pepper!

                  Last year we made 12 jars of tomato puree, 8 jars tommy ketchup and 54 x 1 1/2 lb bags of frozen pasta / tomato sauce for use in cooking! My aim was to never have to buy tinned toms again, and we've still 25 bags left in the freezer (tho have run out of tomato ketchup and puree, have to do more next year methinks!)

                  Hope this is of some help!

                  Oh, and aplogies for not being on much of late, busy and stressful at work plus some puter probs (had to reinstall windows, so lost a lot of stuff and still need to reinstall a lot too!)
                  Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                  'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                  The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                  Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                  Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                  On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                  • #10
                    Thanks Mrs D

                    Lets hope the toms com up good this year


                    • #11
                      If you want to splash your cash Janeyo you can buy a passata machine.
                      Passata Tomato Pulp Machine,divides tomatoes skin&seeds on eBay, also, Oils Condiments Sauces, Food Drink, Home Garden (end time 06-Feb-09 04:13:59 GMT)

                      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                      • #12
                        Now OH would like that, he loves gadgets! Might get him doing more in the kitchen too. Lord knows how he ever survived on his own lol.


                        • #13
                          Enjoyed your blog Janeyo. You've made great progress there. Hope you have a great growing year.

                          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                          • #14
                            I've got the Passata machine, a lot less fiddly than deskinning hundreds of tomatoes. Just cut a cross, immerse them in boiling water for a few minutes then run through the machine.
                            I then put the pulp in a sieve to drain out the liquid and then freeze the pulp in various quantites and also freeze the tomato water to use in soup.


                            • #15
                              Thanks Alice

                              Even more hard work this year! - we are all gluttons for punishment, although eating your own veggies is never a punishment!


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