I've been using the easiyo for ages but the mixes have gone up again and I thought about going back to making my own.
Here the easiyo container comes in really useful, I filled the inner container with just under a litre of organic UHT semi-skimmed, added 2 tbsp of starter yoghurt and 2tbsp of dried milk powder and gently mixed together Filled the outer container with boiling water as per the easiyo and left it overnight. Result - a great success. It was quite thick but I wanted Greek style yoghurt so strained it and now have a lovely carton of really thick yoghurt.
This has halved the price for me and its only a bit more of a faff than usual.
I shall be making a batch of scones with the left over whey tomorrow.
I've been using the easiyo for ages but the mixes have gone up again and I thought about going back to making my own.
Here the easiyo container comes in really useful, I filled the inner container with just under a litre of organic UHT semi-skimmed, added 2 tbsp of starter yoghurt and 2tbsp of dried milk powder and gently mixed together Filled the outer container with boiling water as per the easiyo and left it overnight. Result - a great success. It was quite thick but I wanted Greek style yoghurt so strained it and now have a lovely carton of really thick yoghurt.
This has halved the price for me and its only a bit more of a faff than usual.
I shall be making a batch of scones with the left over whey tomorrow.