I make mine in a two pint thermos flask.
Fill thermos to within two inches of the top (this allows room for the addition of the starter yoghurt) with full fat pasteurised milk.
Empty the milk from the thermos into a pan, rinse out the thermos, refill with boiling water and screw on the lid.
To the milk in the pan add 2 tablespoons of dried milk - I use M@rvel as it seems to be the only one that tastes like real milk - and whisk gently to dissolve.
Heat the milk gently to 46�C (112 - 114�F). The temperature is quite important - too cool and the yoghurt culture won't grow, too warm and it will die. I find it best to heat until the temperature probe reads 36�C then take the pan off the heat. The residual heat in the pan will generally continue to heat the milk to 46�C. If you leave it on the heat until the probe registers 46C the temperature will continue to climb and you'll have to wait for it to cool again.
Whisk in about 125ml (a standard sized individual pot) of plain organic live yoghurt. I too use Yeo Valley Organic.
Empty the hot water out of the thermos and pour the milk straight in. Screw on the top and leave for 12 hours - longer if you prefer a stronger flavour.
Tip out of the thermos into muslin or cheesecloth, suspend from a hook or chairback over a bowl and leave to drip for 20 - 30 minutes. Turn out into a bowl or pot.
Presto! Greek yoghurt.
Don't forget to set aside 125ml to start your next yoghurt.
Fill thermos to within two inches of the top (this allows room for the addition of the starter yoghurt) with full fat pasteurised milk.
Empty the milk from the thermos into a pan, rinse out the thermos, refill with boiling water and screw on the lid.
To the milk in the pan add 2 tablespoons of dried milk - I use M@rvel as it seems to be the only one that tastes like real milk - and whisk gently to dissolve.
Heat the milk gently to 46�C (112 - 114�F). The temperature is quite important - too cool and the yoghurt culture won't grow, too warm and it will die. I find it best to heat until the temperature probe reads 36�C then take the pan off the heat. The residual heat in the pan will generally continue to heat the milk to 46�C. If you leave it on the heat until the probe registers 46C the temperature will continue to climb and you'll have to wait for it to cool again.
Whisk in about 125ml (a standard sized individual pot) of plain organic live yoghurt. I too use Yeo Valley Organic.
Empty the hot water out of the thermos and pour the milk straight in. Screw on the top and leave for 12 hours - longer if you prefer a stronger flavour.
Tip out of the thermos into muslin or cheesecloth, suspend from a hook or chairback over a bowl and leave to drip for 20 - 30 minutes. Turn out into a bowl or pot.
Presto! Greek yoghurt.
Don't forget to set aside 125ml to start your next yoghurt.