I've just bought myself a tomato machine thing (called Il Passatutto Master) from a charity shop. I can see how it would be used for passata (looks like I'll have to dedicate an entire still-hypothetical polytunnel to toms!) but I was wondering how else I can put it to use. Does anyone else have one? Broaden my fruit-squashing horizons, please!
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Passata-maker/tomato machine
Perhaps people were busy last night?
I don't know, sorry. Some of the more hands on equipmentty types are probably harvesting and processing like crazy....so they might be along later with some help.
Could you post a link to your item, so that people can see what you are wondering about?
I've never used mine for anything except tomatoes, and I haven't even bothered doing those this year as my passata machine is a very messy affair which doesn't stay stuck to the bench
I suppose, in theory, they could be used for anything else with skins and biggish pips - gooseberries?
Thank you. Feeling cheerier now. I'm a long way from home (usually on Skye, currently in East Yorkshire) and a long way from my veg plot so just looking for something to cheer my day. Pathetic but true!
Maybe I'll try rolling a few brambles through the machine for curd. I'm not averse to a bit of foody mess... (Oh and I'm not sure how to do links on here; can't even manage quotes...)
Last edited by Nelly; 05-09-2009, 06:01 PM.
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