My neighbor and me have had a rather "Fruitful" morning today foraging in the countryside around where we live, between us we've picked...27lb of blackberries, 16lb of rowans, 30+lb of crab apples, just short of 20lb of sloe berries and 13lb of elderberries, not bad for a morning's work. Now what to do with them all, we're making jam's & jellies, stewing some for the freezer's and the all important thing...Wine.
What I was wondering, has anyone got any more idea's & has anyone got a good Dry cider recipe for the crab apple's (about 20lb). Very much appreciated. Thanks.
What I was wondering, has anyone got any more idea's & has anyone got a good Dry cider recipe for the crab apple's (about 20lb). Very much appreciated. Thanks.