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Pears too many


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  • Pears too many

    I thought I'd submit this divine recipe for Pear Honey, very easy to make and an excellent substitute for real honey, makes you look forward to porridge in the mornings. It has a very delicate flowery, almost perfumed flavour.

    Take off blossom end of small pears, quarter fruit and put in pan with water to cover, simmer till very soft strain through jelly bag.
    Put juice in pan with 3/4lb sugar per pint of liquid and bring to the boil, simmer to thin syrup.

    The simmering can take quite a while, sometimes when I make it I can get it thicker than at other times. However it works out it is delicious especially as with porridge, yoghurt or icecream.

    I've made eight jars today and that will substitute for what would have been �28 of honey. It's cost me around �6 to make as alas didn't get free pears this year but did spot loads on the reduced shelf at Tesco. These were conference and I left them for a week to soften.

    As a bonus you can put the remaining pulp through a sieve to make pear butter and the last bonus is all the remains for the compost heap.

    I got this from Beryl Wood's excellent Let's Preserve It which as you can see above is pre-decimal. I wondered about buying another copy that isn't falling to bits and on Abebooks there's one copy and that's �75!! Mine cost 40p in 1970. Well worth getting hold of if you ever find one, absolutely filled to the brim with very good preserving recipes.

  • #2
    I have a copy from 1976 - 'borrowed' from my mother in law. It is a really superb book.
    Happy Gardening,


    • #3
      Wonderful to hear someone else knows it, it's such a great book, I've got about six other preserving books but it's always this one I come back to.
      I did try to persuade the publishers to reissue it but they said it was a limited market and it would cost too much to update into metric measures.


      • #4
        What is this metric of which you speak?
        Happy Gardening,


        • #5
          Dose it make any difference what variety of pear's you use?


          • #6
            Ginger Ninger
            I use whatever I can get. The cheapy conference pears were very hard so they would have taken ages to cook to a pulp so I left them for a week and they were fine, nice and soft.

            And Shirl, metric, I've got balance scales and imperial and metric weights so I can cook from old and new cookbooks, got those silly spoons too for American recipes. But metric - as I didn't grow up with it have no concept of it at all and can never translate from one to the other, its an infernal nuisance with length and temperature as well. I know I am a stick in the mud but I resent losing "our" imperial measurements.



            • #7
              Mmmmmm, this sounds delish! Will give it a go if I can get hold of cheepy pears.
              Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


              • #8
                Lainey Lou
                Just as nice is the pear butter you can make from the remains - if you can face pounding all the skin, cores and other bits through a sieve. I got two pounds of pulp out of mine, put this is a pan with juice of lemon and about half a pint of water, bring to boil and simmer till thick. When nice and thick add 1/2lb sugar per pint of pulp, bring back to boil and simmer till really thick ie when stirring you can see the pan bottom. Best to have a difuser on ring, esp if using gas to stop burning.

                I got 5 jars and some cooks perks from this, especially satisfying as it could have all been thrown away. Now have to make some scones to go with it...

                It does end up looking a bit khaki coloured but tastes especially good



                • #9
                  Sue that sounds great, does it store well?
                  Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


                  • #10
                    Just got a load of dessert pears from freecycle so going to make some of this.
                    Happy Gardening,


                    • #11
                      I made the pear honey yesterday with a bag load of pears from my sisters tree and i have to tell you it is seriously delish! I realy couldnt see how it was gonna be yum, but it is! Am now seeking other pears to steal so i can make more!

                      thank you so much for posting this...


                      • #12
                        Can I just ask, does it taste very much of pears? I know that is a silly question but I need to know before I make loads of it and don't like it (I can make wine out of them otherwise)
                        Happy Gardening,


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by shirlthegirl43 View Post
                          Can I just ask, does it taste very much of pears? I know that is a silly question but I need to know before I make loads of it and don't like it (I can make wine out of them otherwise)
                          It's lovely, made some last week, mine tastes very much of honey with a slight taste of pears, very fragrant.
                          Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


                          • #14
                            Great - we've got a huge 'cooking pear' tree in the garden and have buckets full to use. Will make this tomorrow!
                            I don't roll on Shabbos


                            • #15
                              mine too - tastes like 'proper' honey!


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