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Marmalade recipes


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  • #16
    Pumpkin Marmalade
    1.5kg pumpkin peeled and all seeds removed then slice flesh
    1 litre water
    675g oranges halved and sliced thinly
    675g lemons halved and sliced thinly
    80g fresh root ginger shredded finly
    1.3kg granulated sugar

    Place the pumpkin in a large pan with water oranges lemon and ginger. Bring to boil and then simmer for 45 mins - 1 hour until the peel is soft

    add the sugar stirring until dissolve rturn to the boil and then cook over med heat til mixture is thick enough for a wooden spoon to be draw through to leave a clear channel

    Pour the marmalade into cooled sterilised jars ..seal and label
    Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful..William Morris


    • #17
      Just found jelly marmalade for those who hate peel. Got to take my daughter to ballet so will post later.
      Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful..William Morris


      • #18


        2 grapefruit
        3 lemons both fruits together should be a combined weight of 900g
        2.6 litres
        1.4kg sugar

        For orange jelly marmalade

        900g seville oranges
        2.6 litres water
        juice 2 lemons
        1.4kg sugar

        Score the fruit in quarters then scauld by pouring boiling water over and leave for5 mins. Then drain
        Remove peel and cut white pith away from rind. Shred the rind finely.
        Cut pith and fruit coarsely, put in a saucepan with 1.4 litre water plus lemon juice for orange jelly. Put on lid bring to boil and simmer for 2 hours
        Meanwhile put shredded rind in another pan with 900ml water put on lid and simmer 1 1/2 hours or until tender
        Drain liquid from shreds into pan of pulp
        Set up jelly bag
        Empty pan of pulp into jelly bag and allow to drip for 10 - 15 mins
        Return pulp to the pan with remaining 600ml water. Cover pan and simmer for 20 mins more
        Pour this into jelly bag and let it drip without squeezing bag for at least 2 hours
        Meanwhile put sugar to warm in very cool oven gas 1/4 225F 110C
        Put juice into a roomy pan bring to the boil turn down heat and add sugar stir until dissolved
        Add shredded rind if you like or leave out but boil rapidly until setting point is reached
        stir and put into cooled sterilised jars
        Quickly skim off scum
        Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful..William Morris


        • #19
          Thanks for all the recipes.
          Made 10 1lb jars at the weekend and have ended up giving 6 jars away !!!
          It tastes delicious so am off tomorrow to but more oranges and this time keep it all for myself :-)

          Off to order more jars now !



          • #20
            Just wanted to say thanks for the recipes too Shirley.

            Have made the red grapefruit one today, and plan to make some orange and lemon/lime marmaldae later in the week.

            Thanks again
            Kirsty b xx


            • #21
              You are welcome. I must admit that I have quite a collection of cookery books so can usually find most things. I tend to make seville orange marmalade. Most of the recipes came from 'The best kept secrets of the WI jams, pickles and chutneys. A very good book for jam as well as marmalade
              Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful..William Morris


              • #22
                Thanks for the tip shirley, I've ordered the book (blush)

                Strated making marmalade today, the pressure cooker is cooling down, should be ready to process tomorrow morning. What a lovely job for a sunny Sunday!

                Hang on -
                Sevilles 40p/lb
                Sugar 97p/kg (fairtrade)
                Pinch me someone. That would seem to work out at under 40p per pound jar, seems cheaper than last year?
                not every situation requires a big onion


                • #23

                  Some breadmachines come with a Jam setting and will save you hours and hours. Using them is pretty easy, you need

                  Seville Oranges (the season for them is up now I think).
                  Jam Sugar (it's bigger in crystal size then normal sugar and ideal for Jams and Marmalade)

                  Juice the oranges (a Juicer machine will save you hours here too and is very effective at getting the Juice). Pour into the breadmachine and for every 3 oranges you need 1 cup of sugar (the cup should come with the bread machine) so keep a count of what your jucing. Grind some peel into the mixture and add some lumps of peel too. Switch the thing on and go do something else for and hour and half (I set mine to two hours). When its done fish out the peel lumps (be careful you don't burn your self) and jar up as normal.


                  • #24
                    I made Sprout's recipe marmelade a couple of days ago and it's turned out really well. I did fiddle with the recipe but I can;t follow a full recipe without making a few alterations!

                    I cooked it for 40 mins not 20, because I was feeding the baby and forgot it was on the hob. Then I didn't add the shreds, because a) I'm not keen on peel and b) it was too soft to finely slice. I bunged it all through a regular seive, mashing it around with a wooden spoon to get some pulp through, and then only added half the sugar (1.5lbs not 3lbs), as I like my marmelade fairly bitter and 3lbs just looked like a huge amount of sugar for only 2.5 cups of liquid.

                    DH would prefer it a little sweeter, so I'll add 2lbs next time, but it's made a wonderful clear, piquant, if slightly soft marmelade. There's only two and a half jars of it as well, so it's not like I've got to worry about it keeping for any length of time! We ate most of the half jar in one sitting.

                    Will go see if the local grocers has any sevilles left tomorrow and put up another few lbs if I can. Thanks for the recipe SS!

                    I child-proofed my house, but they still manage to get in.

                    Muddy Musings - a blog


                    • #25
                      You're welcome PD, I'm glad it worked out as a starter for ten One of the joys of posting receeps is seeing creative variations and comments, thank you for those!

                      I'm still working on the *perfect* sugar content too. The learning curve is slow to climb because I only make one huge batch every January. Sair tempted to copy your practice with smaller batches!
                      Last edited by supersprout; 27-01-2007, 10:56 PM.
                      not every situation requires a big onion


                      • #26
                        More info

                        If you want dark marmalade, you can add a tablespoonful of black treacle with the sugar.

                        Lime marmalade will not be green like the shop bought stuff

                        JELLY AND SHRED MARMALADES

                        Seville Orange Shred or Jelly Marmalade
                        2lb / 1kg Seville oranges
                        juice of 2 lemons
                        3lb / 1.25kg white granulated sugar
                        4 � pts water
                        A few coriander seeds boiled in the pip bag (shred version) or with the fruit (jelly version) can be good.

                        lemon Shred or Jelly Marmalade
                        2lb / 1kg lemons
                        3lb / 1.25kg white granulated sugar
                        4 � pts water

                        Lime Shred or Jelly Marmalade
                        2lb / 1kg limes
                        juice of 2 lemons
                        3lb / 1.25kg white granulated sugar
                        4 � pts water

                        Tangerine Shred or Jelly Marmalade
                        1 � lb / 1.25kg tangerines NOT SATSUMAS
                        � a grapefruit and 1 large / 2 small lemons
                        2lb / 1 kg white granulated sugar
                        4pts / 2 litres water

                        If making the shred version, only use the tangerine peel or the flavour will be overwhelmed by grapefruit and lemon.

                        Shred Method

                        Wash and scrub the fruit well.
                        Peel 3 (oranges) or 4 (lime or lemon) of the fruits thinly
                        Shred this peel finely and put in muslin bag
                        Cut up the rest of the fruit roughly (into eight pieces will do), including the peeled ones.
                        Put fruit, lemon juice and water into pan, and hang the shreds in their bag in the water
                        Cook gently till soft (about 2 hours), removing shred bag after 1 hour.
                        Rinse the shreds in cold water in a sieve.
                        Strain the pan contents through a larger jelly bag, scalded in boiling water to sterilize, and leave to drip for about 1 hour.
                        Set sugar, jars and lids to warm in a low oven (lowest gas mark, or <100C) to warm
                        Return strained liquid to the pan.
                        Warm the liquid, add the sugar, and stir over a low heat till completely dissolved.
                        Bring to the boil rapidly, stirring occasionally, until setting point is almost reached
                        Take pan off the heat, stir in the rinsed shreds
                        Bring to setting point.
                        Pot into warmed, clean jars
                        Put the lids on immediately while hot, and close.
                        Either close tightly now to obtain an airtight seal, or wait till completely cold to do this.
                        Leave to stand until cold; close tightly if not already done.
                        Label with type of fruit and date

                        Jelly Method

                        Wash and scrub the fruit well.
                        Cut the fruit up roughly (into eight pieces will do).
                        Put fruit, lemon juice and water into pan.
                        Cook gently till soft (about 2 hours).
                        Strain the pan contents through a medium/large jelly bag, scalded in boiling water to sterilize, and leave to drip for about 1 hour.
                        Set sugar, jars and lids to warm in a low oven (lowest gas mark, or <100C) to warm
                        Return strained liquid to the pan.
                        Warm the liquid, add the sugar, and stir over a low heat till completely dissolved.
                        Bring to the boil rapidly, stirring occasionally, until setting point is reached
                        Pot into warmed, clean jars
                        Put the lids on immediately while hot, and close.
                        Either close tightly now to obtain an airtight seal, or wait till completely cold to do this.
                        Leave to stand until cold; close tightly if not already done.
                        Label with type of fruit and date

                        Tea toast and enjoy
                        Last edited by shirley; 06-02-2007, 02:38 PM.
                        Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful..William Morris


                        • #27
                          Decided that this thread needing bumping, as I'm just in the throes of making a big batch of Sprout's marmalade. Thought it was a fitting in memoriam too.

                          I child-proofed my house, but they still manage to get in.

                          Muddy Musings - a blog


                          • #28
                            Good call Poledragon! How's the littl'un?

                            Dwell simply ~ love richly


                            • #29
                              Not so little A year old next week. But at least I can think about doing a proper garden this year!

                              I child-proofed my house, but they still manage to get in.

                              Muddy Musings - a blog


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Poledragon View Post
                                Not so little A year old next week. But at least I can think about doing a proper garden this year!
                                Where does the time go? My eldest baby get's to learn to drive a week friday!!! (think I might go join Madmax in Holland)
                                Happy Gardening,


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