Yes its true, I need my temperature taken - Im having a mid life Country Womens Institute moment - thanks to all your postings, I have spent a lot of time reading and have been inspired to attempt chutney. I am what has been referred to as a "basic cook", but I might have found my calling with Chutney / Relish! Well, to be honest, they are more of a thick chunky sauce consistancy - perhaps I shall call them saucie-relish! In the last couple of weeks I have been using my fathers tomatoes - Ive made:
tomato, corn and green pepper
tomato and mango
tomato and apple
I also made:
plum and cranberry
peach and apple
peach, ginger and red pepper
pear and walnut (visually very unappealing - looks like jars of oysters yuck! But hope it tastes yum - I should have thrown something colourful in to brighten things up a bit!)
Goodness only knows what I will make next - once I have got rid of my "training wheels", I may graduate to perserving fruit next summer - going into winter here. There is something so satisfying about seeing the jars in the pantry, not to mention coming up with labels!
Thanks for the inspiration!
tomato, corn and green pepper
tomato and mango
tomato and apple
I also made:
plum and cranberry
peach and apple
peach, ginger and red pepper
pear and walnut (visually very unappealing - looks like jars of oysters yuck! But hope it tastes yum - I should have thrown something colourful in to brighten things up a bit!)
Goodness only knows what I will make next - once I have got rid of my "training wheels", I may graduate to perserving fruit next summer - going into winter here. There is something so satisfying about seeing the jars in the pantry, not to mention coming up with labels!
Thanks for the inspiration!