I decided to make some of my beetroot into chutney and found this recipe.
Spiced beetroot & orange chutney recipe - Recipes - BBC Good Food
Reading through the comments I changed the cinnamon to 2 teasp instead of one tablesp, and the ground cloves to 1 teasp instead of 1 tablesp
It did take longer to cook that the hour, and longer to prepare than the 20 minutes, BUT it is fabulous. Son no 2 doesn't like chutney or beetroot, but loves this. It came out like sweet and sour (very sweet to be honest), a lovely colour and no hint of beetroot flavour. I was planning on adding it to my stock list for sale, but I'm not sure I have enough, and no more beetroot at the lottie
Spiced beetroot & orange chutney recipe - Recipes - BBC Good Food
Reading through the comments I changed the cinnamon to 2 teasp instead of one tablesp, and the ground cloves to 1 teasp instead of 1 tablesp

It did take longer to cook that the hour, and longer to prepare than the 20 minutes, BUT it is fabulous. Son no 2 doesn't like chutney or beetroot, but loves this. It came out like sweet and sour (very sweet to be honest), a lovely colour and no hint of beetroot flavour. I was planning on adding it to my stock list for sale, but I'm not sure I have enough, and no more beetroot at the lottie
