The idea is that, each month we choose an easily identifiable and findable wild plant to forage. We pick it, prepare it and compare recipes and opinions.
Feel free to suggest plants - not fungi or anything which risks being confused with anything poisonous - or the Mods will be complaining, and you know what they're like when roused.
For March - I suggest Nettles. We all know a nettle when it stings us!
Roger Phillips in "Wild food" suggests that nettles are best colleccted when they are no more than a few centimetres high. Wear gloves and cut the nettles with scissors; strip the leaves from the stems and wash well.
I've made nettle soup with onions, potatoes and stock, liquidised.
Roger Phillips suggests Nettle beer - which only needs a week from picking to drinking. It needs 100 stalks so I don't think I'll make it!
Anyone joining me??
Feel free to suggest plants - not fungi or anything which risks being confused with anything poisonous - or the Mods will be complaining, and you know what they're like when roused.

For March - I suggest Nettles. We all know a nettle when it stings us!
Roger Phillips in "Wild food" suggests that nettles are best colleccted when they are no more than a few centimetres high. Wear gloves and cut the nettles with scissors; strip the leaves from the stems and wash well.
I've made nettle soup with onions, potatoes and stock, liquidised.
Roger Phillips suggests Nettle beer - which only needs a week from picking to drinking. It needs 100 stalks so I don't think I'll make it!
Anyone joining me??