Looks like we're in for a bumper black cherry crop this year 
it's a huuuge tree and it's covered in them! (Fingers crossed the birds keep away....)
Could do with some ideas what to do with some of them please
- They are almost too sweet to jam.....any tips there?
- happy to freeze some
- OK with sterilising some in preserving jars.
-happy to freeze a few clafoutis
-happy to gobble them up fresh!
-just bought 3litres of Calvados (apple brandy) to make cherry brandy -funnily enough it goes down very well as a gift!
....and now my mind goes blank!
any successful recipes you can suggest?
oh...and why don't my cooked cherries have a similar concentrated flavour compared to bought jars of cherry pie filler-what on earth do they add to make the flavour so intense?...concentrated juice or something I'd rather not know about?
...any other suggestions?( will certainly give a lot away!)

Could do with some ideas what to do with some of them please

- They are almost too sweet to jam.....any tips there?
- happy to freeze some
- OK with sterilising some in preserving jars.
-happy to freeze a few clafoutis
-happy to gobble them up fresh!
-just bought 3litres of Calvados (apple brandy) to make cherry brandy -funnily enough it goes down very well as a gift!
....and now my mind goes blank!
any successful recipes you can suggest?
oh...and why don't my cooked cherries have a similar concentrated flavour compared to bought jars of cherry pie filler-what on earth do they add to make the flavour so intense?...concentrated juice or something I'd rather not know about?

...any other suggestions?( will certainly give a lot away!)