Hi all. I was dining at what I would regard as a good local cafe last year and got served cauliflower with my meal, the intense flavour was amazing, when asked on another day how he cooks his cauliflower, he said that he �just boils it� but I�m sure something had to have been added to lift that flavour. Does anyone know the secret please?
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How to cook cauliflower for best flavour
Freshness is the best flavour enhancer for all veg I thinkOther than that, I don't know what could've made the difference. I think the most important for both broccoli (calabrese) and cauliflower is that you drain very well, and let excess water steam off to avoid it being watery.
I'm not usually one for the latest fashions when it comes to cookery, but I really do quite like cauliflower that has either been fried as a thick slice, or grilled until it goes very caramelised in places. It changes the 'meh' flavour it usually has for me
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