I know you lot are fantastic when it comes to the obscure so I will just fill you in on the background. I have been suffering with migraine type issues for the last year and hubby has had issues forever so we have finally had intolerance tests done and they advise you try to not have foods from the list for 3 months then introduce them back. Whilst I am not happy with some I can manage. However I am a sucker for my desserts, cakes and pastries and am after ideas for something more elaborate than raw fruit to overcome the loss.
So intolerance relating to my sweet, stodgy wants:-
Yeast - Avoid cheese, dried fruit, fruit juice, baked goods and yeast extract.
Rice Milk - be careful with brown rice less so white rice
Lemons - other citrus should be fine
Mozerella - be careful with cheese and dairy
Butter - be careful with all dairy
Wheat, ground - avoid a whole heap of things.
So far I have come up with coconut macaroons and meringue. Any ideas?
Thank you as always
So intolerance relating to my sweet, stodgy wants:-
Yeast - Avoid cheese, dried fruit, fruit juice, baked goods and yeast extract.
Rice Milk - be careful with brown rice less so white rice
Lemons - other citrus should be fine
Mozerella - be careful with cheese and dairy
Butter - be careful with all dairy
Wheat, ground - avoid a whole heap of things.
So far I have come up with coconut macaroons and meringue. Any ideas?
Thank you as always
