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Sweet stodge replacement recipe ideas please


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  • Sweet stodge replacement recipe ideas please

    I know you lot are fantastic when it comes to the obscure so I will just fill you in on the background. I have been suffering with migraine type issues for the last year and hubby has had issues forever so we have finally had intolerance tests done and they advise you try to not have foods from the list for 3 months then introduce them back. Whilst I am not happy with some I can manage. However I am a sucker for my desserts, cakes and pastries and am after ideas for something more elaborate than raw fruit to overcome the loss.

    So intolerance relating to my sweet, stodgy wants:-

    Yeast - Avoid cheese, dried fruit, fruit juice, baked goods and yeast extract.
    Rice Milk - be careful with brown rice less so white rice
    Lemons - other citrus should be fine
    Mozerella - be careful with cheese and dairy
    Butter - be careful with all dairy
    Wheat, ground - avoid a whole heap of things.

    So far I have come up with coconut macaroons and meringue. Any ideas?

    Thank you as always

  • #2
    Are you OK with honey?
    and Bananas?
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 11-06-2019, 09:49 AM.


    • #3
      Yep I can do both

      Hubby can't do bananas but I guess that means more for me
      Last edited by Norfolkgrey; 11-06-2019, 09:51 AM.


      • #4
        That's an unusual list, I have been on a low sugar regime for 3 years now due intolerance and also lost close on 3 stone in weight to avoid diabetes. Basically it's been no chocolate or shop bought cakes, eating out has almost become impossible, especially when I had the Gall stones adding to the problem. Lactose free helps, didn't have to omit dairy completely, sugar has been replaced with Stevia, sweets are still sweet, just sugar less. Scones and crumbles are top of my list for puddings, have to be home made though, sugar free jams and biscuits end up making things like cheesecakes along with sugar free jellies to make trifles , my better half is very inventive.


        • #5
          something based on oatmeal, coconut milk and treacle ?

          Generally, if you work out a few basic ingredients you can eat and the do a Google on them, I reckon you'll turn up a stack of different recipes.


          • #6
            Baked bananas with honey,

            Zabaglione using the egg yolks from your meringues and sweet marsala/sherry. I used to make this often but can't remember the recipe.


            • #7
              Interesting that lemons are on your list - the things my wife (who gets migraines) has to avoid are oranges and red wine.

              My wife also made a dessert for someone with a list of intolerances, and I think it was some kind of nut flour as the basis. I shall check


              • #8
                Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                Baked bananas with honey,

                Zabaglione using the egg yolks from your meringues and sweet marsala/sherry. I used to make this often but can't remember the recipe.
                he, he I can't win. I got so excited then at zabaglione (see bottom of list)
                Edit: I will not give up - I wonder if it will work with triple sec. Ummmmm I may enjoy this a bit too much

                Okay here is my full intolerance list:-

                rice milk
                rum, be careful of dark spirits
                Last edited by Norfolkgrey; 11-06-2019, 10:15 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
                  he, he I can't win. I got so excited then at zabaglione (see bottom of list)

                  rum, be careful of dark spirits
                  rum and dark spirits? so that's voodoo out of the window then...?
                  Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
                  what have we ever done to you...?
                  Last edited by bikermike; 11-06-2019, 10:19 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bikermike View Post
                    rum and dark spirits? so that's voodoo out of the window then...?

                    what have we ever done to you...?
                    Ah but I am fine with nuts


                    • #11
                      Is this
                      any good?


                      • #12

                        I know this recipe has a bunch of dairy-related ingredients, but you can use coconut milk instead of cow's milk, and skip the ghee. In fact, when my mum is feeling particularly stingy and lazy, she pressure-cooks the grated carrots in water and adds a bit of milk and khoya later!


                        • #13
                          Thank you for all this I feel a bit lighter about it now.

                          Originally posted by bikermike View Post
                          looks adaptable. will try a batch as cupcakes to freeze (hubby can't do almonds)

                          Originally posted by Runtpuppy View Post

                          I know this recipe has a bunch of dairy-related ingredients, but you can use coconut milk instead of cow's milk, and skip the ghee. In fact, when my mum is feeling particularly stingy and lazy, she pressure-cooks the grated carrots in water and adds a bit of milk and khoya later!
                          That reminds me I think I have a similar sort of thing for a couple of things lurking in my recipe folder. Must get coconut milk on my shopping list


                          • #14

                            Maybe tapioca pudding made with non-dairy milk, if you enjoy tapioca.

                            Overnight oats (Oats layered with fruit and non-dairy yoghurt eg soya based)

                            Baked bananas

                            Stewed apple with cinnamon

                            Fruit crumble with an oat and nut based �crumble� topping

                            And for those days you really want full on sweet stodge, a bowl of thick porridge with honey/syrup/cinnamon. You can make porridge with water or nondairy milk. Only takes a few mins in microwave.


                            • #15
                              Swap flour for ground almonds and part sub with corn flour. You need to experiment with recipes you like to find the correct ratio.
                              Try the brownie recipe
                              Crumbles etc - gluten free corn flakes/ oats/ almonds/ corn flour mix.
                              Look at coconut oil to sub your butter.

                              OH is gluten intolerant. Polenta is a great alternative to flour. Lots of recipes like this one about
                              Also a whole load of butter alternatives here;
                              Muffins use oil instead of butter/ use almonds, gluten free flour or cornflour mix instead of flour etc
                              Last edited by Scarlet; 16-06-2019, 08:42 AM.


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