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Would you eat insects?


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Nicos View Post
    You DO know that rary is going to pick you up on that?
    To avoid doubt, it was my Mum. She also swallowed a spider that was on a salad sandwich that she ate during a picnic when we were kids. My brother and I watched the spider and said nothing!! Then when she'd finished her sandwich we told her.
    That's another thing she's never forgiven us for.
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 14-08-2019, 04:15 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
      I suppose it's what you're used to eating, most of us already eat meat, fish and birds so adding insects isn't that much different.
      Some eat snails and frog's legs, so where do you draw the line?
      Maybe with witchety grubs ?sp.


      • #18
        I've eaten grasshoppers knowingly. But then again I've eaten snails, frogs legs, Guinea pig, tequila worms, live maggots hhmmm, I'll think about others I've probably forgotten, so I might not be the average person.


        • #19
          The trouble with insects is all the chitin. Our menagerie will eat small grasshoppers, but one of our cats caught a big locust the other day and even he couldn't be doing with all the crunchy stuff or scratchy legs.


          • #20
            Double post, sorry
            Last edited by Jimny14; 14-08-2019, 06:30 PM.


            • #21
              I�ve eaten salt & pepper crickets and chocolate covered ants.

              Don�t think I�d be up for eating them alive. But cooked I�ll try anything once.....maybe.

              Insects are a staple diet in many countries, they can�t all be wrong.


              • #22
                If you eat lobster you can't argue with the concept of woodlice.

                But yes, the exoskeletons are a problem.

                For me it's the thought they might get up again. Cooked mammal looks properly different to live mammal. Cooked crustacean (unless peeled) not so much.


                • #23


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                    I’ve eaten salt & pepper crickets and chocolate covered ants.
                    So, what were they like? Flavour vehicles for the salt and pepper or the chocolate? Tasty in their own right? Texture-wise?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                      So, what were they like? Flavour vehicles for the salt and pepper or the chocolate? Tasty in their own right? Texture-wise?
                      Crickets tasted of salt & pepper nothing else. Texture, you know when you’re have a bag of salted peanuts
                      And occasionally you get one still with it’s papery brown husk on, but to don’t notice until you’re eating it. It exactly like the papery husk! All I can say about the chocolate ants is they get stuck in your teeth ! Apart from that fairy nondescript.


                      • #26
                        I imagine that crickets are a bit like eating the shells on prawns. They're a bit papery unless they're well cooked. The feelers are a bit weird as they can stuck between your teeth.


                        • #27
                          I cannot in any way find any likeness between lobster and woodlice. They have a shell, and that's where it ends haha

                          I'm sure bugs can be nutritious, but I'd soon become very slim, and indeed poor, if I had to live off them. There's definitely tastier ways of finding protein lol Just give me the beans!


                          • #28
                            Programme to watch tonight at 8.30.



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                              Programme to watch tonight at 8.30.

                              The clip was interesting I'll watch the rest on iplayer thanks VC.
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • #30
                                A couple of the young Muck Lovers hunt woodlice and slugs and bugs for food purposes. Fed to chickens they’re converted into tasty healthy eggs.
                                I think eating the bugs after they’ve been recycled like this would be my preferred way of consuming them.


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