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Cooking with Aubergines


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  • Cooking with Aubergines

    I have liked aubergines ever since I first tried them in Greece in moussaka many years ago. My favourite dip is a Lebanese aubergine dip called moutaba or moutabel. I have actually tried making it several times and never even got close to the taste. I quite like aubergine fritters as well. For several years I grew them in the greenhouse and had some to spare/give away. Even tried aubergine chutney not my cup of tea. However last year I discovered Delia's oven roasted ratatouille. WOW!!! I ate mountains of it and froze lots. The frozen stuff was also really good when reheated in the oven. (All gone now).
    Has anyone tried roasting aubergine on it's own and freezing it to add to stews and mince dishes in the Winter? I think I will be doing this as an experiment this year.

    I may need another greenhouse.

  • #2
    I've made aubergine parmigiana and frozen it successfully. I was surprised as I expected the aubergine to disintegrate on thawing.

    Thanks for posting this question. I'll be watching replies with interest.

    If you're interested in another Delia recipe with aubergines in, check out her vegetarian moussaka. I imagine the filling would freeze very successfully. Probably better to add the topping, which is fantastic, after thawing the filling. This is really popular with us and guests.


    • #3
      Snoop,that looks great. I'll definitely give it a go.
      I agree with you also about how it is amazing that the aubergine didn't turn to slime when defrosted (which I half expected it to.)
      Scarlet, that also looks good.

      I may need another freezer as well as another greenhouse.
      Last edited by greenishfing; 12-01-2020, 02:02 PM.


      • #4
        Melitzanosalata for me. Something like this
        I also make them into "sandwiches" using slices of aubergine instead of bread!
        Lightly fry the slices until browned. Spread one with tomato puree/squashed tomatoes and add a slice of feta/mozzarella and slap another aubergine slice on top to make a sandwich.

        I'm going to (try to) grow "Kermit" Thai aubergines this year.


        • #5
          Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
          Melitzanosalata for me. Something like this
          I also make them into "sandwiches" using slices of aubergine instead of bread!
          Lightly fry the slices until browned. Spread one with tomato puree/squashed tomatoes and add a slice of feta/mozzarella and slap another aubergine slice on top to make a sandwich.

          I'm going to (try to) grow "Kermit" Thai aubergines this year.
          Sounds good but it is not metabel. I have only ever eaten and enjoyed it in Lebanon. I know it has tahini in it. And lemon.


          • #6
            I know its not - its melitzanosalata that I used to eat in Greece.


            • #7
              Sorry don't know about freezing aubs as they're eaten as fast as they're cooked in this house
              The recipes above look delicious, we normally griddle ours or roast them after scoring and drizzling with seasoned chilli oil and garlic (as in the pic).

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Roasted-Aubs.jpg
Views:	1
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ID:	2386026
              Location ... Nottingham


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