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Rabbit Recipes


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  • Rabbit Recipes

    Hi all,

    Would any of you have a few rabbit recipies please?

    In the past I have bought bunnies whole and jugged them or just made a simple casserole, but I have always had some idea of the age of the bunny and how long it has been hung.

    This year my local butcher has a load of bunnies but they have been jointed and skinned so I can't tell how old they are. Does this make much difference in how I should cook them?


    The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!

  • #2
    If you don't know how old they are, I would err on the safe side and casserole. There's a nice Mary Berry recipe I used to use when I had a lot of rabbits to deal with, basically chuck in a casserole with sweated onion and some prunes and cook slowish - really yummy.

    Dwell simply ~ love richly


    • #3
      Doesn't matter how you cook them, you MUST say it's chicken, not bunny
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        Bunny a la runy honey

        this is from cook on the wild side not tryed it yet

        2 young rabbits
        a knob of butter or goats cream butter
        clove of garlic
        1/2 150ml bitter
        1 table spoon runny honny
        salt and pepper

        Heat the butter in a pan and brown the rabbit pieces (fairly gently so as not to burn the butter

        throw the garlic in

        add the bitter honey salt pepper and bring to the boil then simmer for 30 40 min if the rabbits is older cook for about 1 hour
        Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


        • #5
          This is from one of the Dairy cookbooks. We call it chicken bunny stew because if we haven't got rabbit we use chicken. The important accompaniment is loads of runner beans.


          4oz streaky bacon rashers rinded and chopped
          4 rabbit portions
          4 celery stick chopped
          2 leeks, trimmer, and sliced
          1 bay leaf
          8oz carrots sliced
          2tbsp plain wholemeal flour
          1 pint chicken stock
          salt and pepper

          Fry the bacon in a flameproof casserole until the fat runs. Add the rabbit and fry gently until browned. Remove from casserole. Add the celery, leeks and bay leaf and carrots and mix well. Sprinkle in the wholemeal flour and stir well. Cook for a minute, then gradually add stock. Bring to boil, stirring continuously. Season to taste. Return rabbit to casserole.

          Cover and bake at 170C for about 1� hours, or until the rabbit is tender.


          3oz self-raising flour
          1� shredded beef suet
          1tbsp snipped fresh chives

          To make the dumplings, mix the self-raising flour, suet, chives and salt and pepper. Add enough cold water to make a soft dough. Twenty to twenty five minutes before the end of the cooking time, shape the dough into 12 balls and place on top of the casserole. Cover again and bake until the dumplings are well risen and cooked through.


          • #6
            Lovely recipes! Had some chaos this week so the bunny is only being cooked this evening! Hazel is ok with it being a bunny so one problem over!

            I'm trying an version of valmargs recipe for tonight - must just go and put the dumplings in. (Version based on what I have in.... it is down so no chives!)

            Oh yeah, and debone the rabbit now it's cooked! Can't see either Hazel or Richard copping with that!
            The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


            • #7
              And having done that...

              I hate weighing things so the casserole is of the ... some celery, some carrots, some onion, a rabbit.....

              Smells good!

              I rather think from the smell of the rabbit meat that it was rather well hung and from the texture as I hacked it off the bones, somewhat on the old side!

              Should still be good though.

              Will try the runny honey recipe for the other bunny - currently residing in the freezer.
              The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


              • #8
                Ah well TP, try it with chicken thighs, and instead of dumplings - lashings of mash.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by valmarg View Post
                  Ah well TP, try it with chicken thighs, and instead of dumplings - lashings of mash.

                  I loved it, Richard liked it, Hazel thought it 'ok'......
                  The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                  • #10
                    Lucky you T Peers. I would just use your favourite chicken casserole recipe and add some prunes. But they would be in there anyway - wouldn't they ?

                    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Alice View Post
                      Lucky you T Peers. I would just use your favourite chicken casserole recipe and add some prunes. But they would be in there anyway - wouldn't they ?
                      Ahh.... no, probably not..... none of us like prunes all that much!

                      Dried Apricots.... now that's a different matter!
                      The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                      • #12
                        They taste totally different when used with meat. I used to push a few prunes under the skin of chicken before roasting (when I ate meat, that is) - wonderful.
                        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

               Updated March 9th - Spring


                        • #13
                          If you haven't tried prunes with your savouries TPeers you could try this. Next time you make chicken soup put a portion in a small pot, drop in a few prunes and simmer for 10 minutes and try it. That way if you don't like it you haven't ruined anything and maybe you'll find what a treat you've been missing. Cock - a - leekie without prunes - not the same thing at all in my book.

                          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Alice View Post
                            If you haven't tried prunes with your savouries TPeers you could try this. Next time you make chicken soup put a portion in a small pot, drop in a few prunes and simmer for 10 minutes and try it. That way if you don't like it you haven't ruined anything and maybe you'll find what a treat you've been missing. Cock - a - leekie without prunes - not the same thing at all in my book.
                            I'll give it a try.

                            The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TPeers View Post
                              And having done that...

                              I hate weighing things so the casserole is of the ... some celery, some carrots, some onion, a rabbit.....

                              Smells good!

                              I rather think from the smell of the rabbit meat that it was rather well hung and from the texture as I hacked it off the bones, somewhat on the old side!

                              Should still be good though.

                              Will try the runny honey recipe for the other bunny - currently residing in the freezer.
                              So it was a buck rabbit then?
                              My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                              to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                              Diversify & prosper


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