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Sticky Toffee Pudding


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  • Sticky Toffee Pudding

    I was wondering if I could get a recipe for a truly authentic Sticky Toffee Pudding. My sister in law just passed away in Feb. (very young) and her mother was British. She had fond memories of this. I wanted to prepare it this Christmas in her honor.
    Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    Luckily I had recently typed out all my fave pudding recipes in a file so it's just a matter of copy n paste. This was given to a friend by his friend where he had tried the pudding at their place and it has stayed with me ever since.

    Sticky Toffee Pudding
    Mix 5 oz caster sugar and 3 oz margarine/butter together until creamy. Add in 2 beaten eggs slowly in mixer. Mix in 6 oz self raising flour. Add 6 oz of chopped dates to mixture along with � teaspoon of bicarbonade of soda, � teaspoon vanilla essence, 2 level teaspoon instant coffee mixed with 6 fl oz of boiling water. Pop mixture into dish and bake until spongy texture.

    Topping Sauce:
    4 oz butter, 6oz soft brown sugar, � pint cream.
    Mix these and heat gently until well mixed. These make up for about 3-4 sticky toffee pudding so use sparingly and store rest in fridge.

    Pour the topping sauce over pudding and sprinkle chopped nuts and put under the grill for 5-8 minutes (lovely burnt caramalised look). Serve with cream or custard.
    Food for Free


    • #3
      Thank you so much.....


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