Ok, peeps - help me out, here!
First ever time making marmalade, and it appears to be going well so far. Simmering away in the pan are the slivers of peel from the oranges and then in a muslin bag thing is the pips and the pith also in the pan.
The marmalade book starts to get a bit vague on timings at this point tho' - 'simmer until the peel is tender'. I'm guessing that this will be about an hour, but can anyone confirm?
Then I get a bit worried about the whole adding sugar/stir to disolve/rolling boil till setting point bit. As a novice at this, I won't recognise when this is likley to be, BUT I've a jam thermometer - so how long (about) do I do the rolling boil for before it's likely to be ready - 5 mins? an hour?
First ever time making marmalade, and it appears to be going well so far. Simmering away in the pan are the slivers of peel from the oranges and then in a muslin bag thing is the pips and the pith also in the pan.
The marmalade book starts to get a bit vague on timings at this point tho' - 'simmer until the peel is tender'. I'm guessing that this will be about an hour, but can anyone confirm?
Then I get a bit worried about the whole adding sugar/stir to disolve/rolling boil till setting point bit. As a novice at this, I won't recognise when this is likley to be, BUT I've a jam thermometer - so how long (about) do I do the rolling boil for before it's likely to be ready - 5 mins? an hour?
