Fresh chillis (jalapenos or serranos) sliced into rings
Carrots sliced into rings
Onions sliced or quartered
Spices in each jar:
1 whole bay leaf
3 whole black peppercorns
1 little piece cinnamon
1/4 tsp mustard seed
2 cloves garlic sliced (optional)
Salt (pinch)
White wine vinegar (6%)
Layer the sliced jalapenos, carrots and onions in a sterilized jar.
Bring white wine vinegar with spices and salt added to the boil, let cool slightly.
Pour vinegar into the jar and cover the contents.
Seal with sterilized lid.
The jars were sterilized in the microwave and the lids sterilized by pouring boiling water over them. The vinegar solution used can probably be diluted with water by about a half and will still be acid enough to preserve the pickles (if worried check exact percentage vinegar required to stop bugs forming, as I'm guestimating - all pickles eaten at your own risk!!!
I imagine you could make the recipe with just jalapeno rings, but we didn't have anywhere near enough and the carrots and onion are very tasty.
Oh and if the vinegar is too 'sharp' you could always try adding a few tsps of sugar to make 'sweet' pickles?
We've made nacho rings for a couple of years, unfortunately last years batch was hampered by the fact we'd had hardly any jalapenos grow!
Here is the picture of the one jar we made
The recipe we used was a combination of a couple of pickled jalapenos recipes. Many of the recipes use oil in them and cook the peppers, we didn't cos it didn't sound as nice.
We made a version of this recipe
and this recipe
Just put the recipe to the top so it's more obvious...
Fresh chillis (jalapenos or serranos) sliced into rings
Carrots sliced into rings
Onions sliced or quartered
Spices in each jar:
1 whole bay leaf
3 whole black peppercorns
1 little piece cinnamon
1/4 tsp mustard seed
2 cloves garlic sliced (optional)
Salt (pinch)
White wine vinegar (6%)
Layer the sliced jalapenos, carrots and onions in a sterilized jar.
Bring white wine vinegar with spices and salt added to the boil, let cool slightly.
Pour vinegar into the jar and cover the contents.
Seal with sterilized lid.
The jars were sterilized in the microwave and the lids sterilized by pouring boiling water over them. The vinegar solution used can probably be diluted with water by about a half and will still be acid enough to preserve the pickles (if worried check exact percentage vinegar required to stop bugs forming, as I'm guestimating - all pickles eaten at your own risk!!!

I imagine you could make the recipe with just jalapeno rings, but we didn't have anywhere near enough and the carrots and onion are very tasty.

We've made nacho rings for a couple of years, unfortunately last years batch was hampered by the fact we'd had hardly any jalapenos grow!

Here is the picture of the one jar we made
The recipe we used was a combination of a couple of pickled jalapenos recipes. Many of the recipes use oil in them and cook the peppers, we didn't cos it didn't sound as nice.
We made a version of this recipe
Pickled Jalapenos
Ingredients and Directions
Fresh chiles (jalapenos or serranos)
Carrots Cauliflower Onions Garlic -- (1/4 head per Jar)
Spices in each jar:
1-2 Whole bay leaf
2 Cloves garlic
2-3 Whole peppercorns
1 Little piece cinnamon
1/4 tsp Mustard seed
White vinegar (I use 1/2 gallon for eight 1-pint jars)
In response to the question how to preserve Jalapenos (or any other chile). The following is the recipe I obtained originally from my cooking class in high school in Mexico, but I made some modifications because the chiles were allways too cooked.
Please note that I don't give the exact amounts because they would vary depending on what you want to get, but keep in mind that the important thing always would be the spices.
Slice the carrots in rounds. Break the cauliflower in small pieces and cut the onions in chunks. I cut garlics in such a way that the cloves are in halves. I like to use entire chiles but I always punch them with a toothpick, so the flavor comes out. If you want you can slice them in longitudinal cuts, which is the traditional way.
I heat a little bit of oil (like 3 or 4 tablespoons) and place all the vegetables at the same time and mix everything until all the vegetables are covered with a thin layer of oil. Then I fill the jars with the vegetables (the jars by then already have the spices and salt). Apart, I heat the vinegar and when it is boiling I pour it over the vegetables.
I close the jars (following the traditional preserving instructions) and let them boil closed for 15 minutes. I let stand the pickles for at least a week. Before coming to the states I preserved in this way like 5 jars with only fresh "piquin chiles" and I have been using them for the last year, by adding here the vegetables, this works wonderful, because we have had very flavorful picles for long time. I hope you enjoy this recipe.
Ingredients and Directions
Fresh chiles (jalapenos or serranos)
Carrots Cauliflower Onions Garlic -- (1/4 head per Jar)
Spices in each jar:
1-2 Whole bay leaf
2 Cloves garlic
2-3 Whole peppercorns
1 Little piece cinnamon
1/4 tsp Mustard seed
White vinegar (I use 1/2 gallon for eight 1-pint jars)
In response to the question how to preserve Jalapenos (or any other chile). The following is the recipe I obtained originally from my cooking class in high school in Mexico, but I made some modifications because the chiles were allways too cooked.
Please note that I don't give the exact amounts because they would vary depending on what you want to get, but keep in mind that the important thing always would be the spices.
Slice the carrots in rounds. Break the cauliflower in small pieces and cut the onions in chunks. I cut garlics in such a way that the cloves are in halves. I like to use entire chiles but I always punch them with a toothpick, so the flavor comes out. If you want you can slice them in longitudinal cuts, which is the traditional way.
I heat a little bit of oil (like 3 or 4 tablespoons) and place all the vegetables at the same time and mix everything until all the vegetables are covered with a thin layer of oil. Then I fill the jars with the vegetables (the jars by then already have the spices and salt). Apart, I heat the vinegar and when it is boiling I pour it over the vegetables.
I close the jars (following the traditional preserving instructions) and let them boil closed for 15 minutes. I let stand the pickles for at least a week. Before coming to the states I preserved in this way like 5 jars with only fresh "piquin chiles" and I have been using them for the last year, by adding here the vegetables, this works wonderful, because we have had very flavorful picles for long time. I hope you enjoy this recipe.
These homemade refrigerator pickles keep in the fridge for months.
Just pack a clean glass jar with thin slices of fresh jalape�o rings, then slip in thin carrot slices and a bay leaf.
Bring 1:1 volumes of water:vinegar to a boil, add half a teaspoon salt per cup of liquid.
Fill the jar, let it cool, add a lid, then refrigerate for a week before serving. Delicious!
These homemade refrigerator pickles keep in the fridge for months.
Just pack a clean glass jar with thin slices of fresh jalape�o rings, then slip in thin carrot slices and a bay leaf.
Bring 1:1 volumes of water:vinegar to a boil, add half a teaspoon salt per cup of liquid.
Fill the jar, let it cool, add a lid, then refrigerate for a week before serving. Delicious!