Hi, I'm fairly new on here but I thought I'd share this recipe for cauli soup with you. There are no definate measurements, just keep tasting and see how it goes!!!! I had a cauli that was probably past its best, but it didn't have any brown spots on it, so that was a bonus
I sauted a finely chopped onion along with a couple of sticks of celery plus some of the cauli stalk finely chopped and a diced potato. I added a bayleaf and after about 5 minutes added some (shock horror) ready made veggie stock - about a pint. I let that come to a simmer and added the cauli florettes along with a good pinch of salt. Once the cauli was cooked through (about 20 mins) I used a stick blender to get it nice and smooth, checked the seasoning again and served with a swirl of truffle oil in it. I couldn't beleive how creamy it tasted even there was no cream or milk in it
