Today I found 3 of my celeriac were bolting. They smelled so nice when I pulled them up I didn't have the heart to just compost them. Into the pot went the washed, chopped celeriac leaves and roots, some beetroot thinnings, a good handful of thyme and marjoram, complete with stems and flowers. Boiled until tender, then broken up with the hand liquidiser. I put the whole lot through the sieve to get out the herb stalks and woody bits from the celeriac. Then I crushed 2 cloves of garlic and fried them gently with a litle butter, added the veg juice and a veg stock cube. Into this went some broad beans and french beans, boiled until just tender. The soup tasted a bit strong, so I added some milk. Result, a pale green soup that tasted amazing.
Sadly? no one else in the family would even try it, so I have enough for lunch tomorrow as well. I love making soups, just adding different ingredients until I have something I fancy eating! Its a great way to use bolting celeriac too
Sadly? no one else in the family would even try it, so I have enough for lunch tomorrow as well. I love making soups, just adding different ingredients until I have something I fancy eating! Its a great way to use bolting celeriac too
