Hi folks,
I really do need the most fantastic chocolate cake recipe ever!
Has to be fail safe and dead easy to make
There is a class for best choc cake made by a man for the village show.....
Mr HF might have a go.
We have an Aga so it will need to be an easy to bake recipe, none of this 180.50 deg then turn down to 175.75 deg stuff!
and needs the be made in two sandwich tins (think they are 7 or 8" will check tomorrow) dont want to buy more tins.
I really do need the most fantastic chocolate cake recipe ever!
Has to be fail safe and dead easy to make

There is a class for best choc cake made by a man for the village show.....
Mr HF might have a go.
We have an Aga so it will need to be an easy to bake recipe, none of this 180.50 deg then turn down to 175.75 deg stuff!
and needs the be made in two sandwich tins (think they are 7 or 8" will check tomorrow) dont want to buy more tins.