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choc cake recp.please!


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  • choc cake recp.please!

    Hi folks,

    I really do need the most fantastic chocolate cake recipe ever!

    Has to be fail safe and dead easy to make

    There is a class for best choc cake made by a man for the village show.....

    Mr HF might have a go.

    We have an Aga so it will need to be an easy to bake recipe, none of this 180.50 deg then turn down to 175.75 deg stuff!

    and needs the be made in two sandwich tins (think they are 7 or 8" will check tomorrow) dont want to buy more tins.

  • #2
    this recipe is for aga's:

    Chocolate Cake
    (18 cm/7" round tin)

    175g/6 oz. butter
    175g/6 oz. soft brown sugar
    3 eggs, lightly beaten
    25g/1 oz. black treacle
    25g/1 oz. quality dark chocolate, melted
    25g/1 oz. ground almonds
    1 oz. cocoa
    150g/5 oz. self raising flour
    1 teaspoon baking powder

    Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
    Beat in the black treacle. Mix in the eggs, a little at a time.
    Add the ground almonds.
    Stir the melted chocolate into the mixture.
    Sieve the flour with the cocoa and baking powder, and fold in to the mixture, making sure that the finished mix does not look at all streaky.
    Divide the mixture between the two greased, lined sandwich tins.
    Level the mixture in the tins, and put into preheated oven to bake.


    AGA - 2 OVEN: Bake on bottom shelf of ROASTING OVEN (with cold shelf over) about 20-25 minutes

    AGA - 4 OVEN: Bake on lowest shelf of BAKING OVEN about 20-25 minutes.

    When baked, leave the cakes in their tins for about 5 minutes before turning them on to a wire rack to cool completely before filling and icing with chocolate buttercream.
    The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.

    - Alfred Austin


    • #3
      Here's an absolute winner...

      You will need


      1 cup of tea
      300g of good quality chololate
      2-3 ginger biscuits (or your favourite variety)
      1 phone or internerd connection


      For internerd connection go here: Cake Hole Drink your tea and dunk biscuits as required.

      Once you've eaten the biscuits open the chocolate and break into small bitesize pieces. Place the first bitesize piece into your mouth and enjoy for several minutes before moving onto the next piece. Continue until all chocolate is consumed.

      If you only have a phone, then call 01462 420553 and tell the dude what you are after.

      Honestly - we had a chocolate cake from them as our wedding cake (coated with a white chocolate spiral thingy) and everyone who tried it said it was the best they've ever had. We've bought several from them since and every one has been a winner.
      A simple dude trying to grow veg.

      BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

      Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

      What would Vedder do?


      • #4
        Only you would try to enter the village show with one of those cakes Wayne! I'm scared by the fact there are no prices!!


        • #5
          But....but....but.... Mr HF has to bake it! that would be cheating
          nice idea though- he he he

          Thanks for the help, the Aga one is sim to last years entry! and yes it was very very yummy!
          not placed though

          What would make a good filling?
          Last edited by Headfry; 12-08-2008, 04:37 PM.


          • #6
            Raspberries and whipped cream
            Black cherries and whipped cream
            Melted chocolate mixed with whipped cream
            alcohol and whipped cream...I can see a pattern forming


            • #7
              4oz sr flour, 4oz caster sugar, 4oz margerine, 2 eggs, splash of milk, 1oz cocoa powder
              dont know about the aga but its gas 4 approx 20-30 mins until cocktail stick comes out clean.
              sperate eggs cream marg,sugar and egg yolk together add milk sieve flour and cocoa and stir in until well mixed. whisk egg whited to form peaks the fold gentally into mixture until mixed in. bake in margerine greased tins.
              allow to cool 5-10 mins turn out onto wire cooling rack.
              i use this for my littleones birthday cake and its always tasty and light and fluffy.


              • #8
                I used to make a 'very chocolate cake'. Basic ingredients
                4oz cooking chocolate (I used to use the cheap one, you would need a bit less if it was a quality chocolate)
                4oz butter
                4oz sugar
                2 eggs
                4oz SR flour
                2oz cocoa powder
                �tsp baking powder

                Melt the chocolate, cream butter and sugar with melted chocolate, sieve flour, cocoa powder and baking powder together, the rest is just like any Victoria Sandwich recipe (and it's too long since I made one to remember the temp/timing details).
                For filling
                2oz chocolate
                2 oz butter
                icing sugar
                Melt chocolate, cream with butter and a little icing sugar, adding as much icing sugar as it will take. Work quickly before it gets too cool. Spread (while still a bit warm) on cooled (but not too cold) lower layer, cover with top layer. Decorate top however you like, but I used to make extra filling and put that on the top. For fancy, finish with grated chocolate or crumbled' flake'.
                Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                • #9
                  I'm not a huge fan of chocolate cakes (though I can't live without chocolate... I know, don't ask me...) but Nigella's chocolate fudge cake is pure heaven with each slice, and really easy to make.

                  Dwell simply ~ love richly


                  • #10
                    This is a good man cake;
                    Chocolate Beer Cake from Delia Online
                    I did it for a friends birthday a few years ago - yummy!!!!


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