Hi, does anyone have a tried & tested recipie for piccalilli please, theres loads on t'net but would like a recommendation if poss, thanks
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i always uses delia's, tastes great
Spiced Mustard Pickle (Piccalilli)
Makes seven 1 lb (350 ml capacity) jars and one � lb (175 ml capacity) jar
2 oz (50 g) dry mustard powder
� whole nutmeg, grated
� level teaspoon ground allspice
1 oz (25 g) ground turmeric
2 medium cauliflowers, divided into 1 inch (2.5 cm) florets
1 lb (450 g) small pickling onions, peeled and halved, through the root
2 small cucumbers (each weighing 9 oz/250 g), peeled, cut into � inch (5 mm) rounds, then each round quartered
1 lb (450 g) dwarf green beans, topped and tailed and cut into 1 inch (2.5 cm) lengths (or 1 lb/450 g runner beans, destringed and cut into 1 inch/2.5 cm diagonal slices)
4 oz (110 g) sea salt
2 pints (1.2 litres) malt vinegar, plus 5 extra tablespoons
6 oz (175 g) golden caster sugar
2 cloves garlic, crushed with 3 teaspoons salt
1 level dessertspoon fresh root ginger, peeled and grated
1 oz (25 g) sauce flour
You will also need a preserving pan, or a heavy-based saucepan with a capacity of 8� pints (5 litres); and seven 1 lb (350 ml capacity) jars and one � lb (175 ml capacity) jar, all with glass or plastic lids (vinegar corrodes metal) and all sterilised as described above.
You need to begin this the day before. What you do is place the prepared cauliflower and onions in a non-metallic bowl, and the cucumbers and beans in another. Then whisk the salt into 4 pints (2.25 litres) of cold water to make a brine, and pour this over the vegetables. Now put a plate with a weight on it on top of each one to keep them submerged and leave them for 24 hours.
The next day, drain away the salt water and briefly rinse the vegetables. Now place the cauliflower, onions and the 2 pints (1.2 litres) vinegar together in the pan. Then add the nutmeg and allspice, bring it up to the boil, cover and simmer for 8 minutes. Next, take off the lid and stir in the cucumbers, beans, sugar, garlic and ginger. Now bring the mixture up to simmering point again, cover and cook for a further 4-5 minutes. The vegetables should still be slightly crisp, so don't go away and forget them.
Next, set a large colander over a large bowl, pour the contents of the pan into it and leave it all to drain, reserving the vinegar. Then mix the mustard powder, turmeric and flour together in another bowl. Gradually work in the additional tablespoons of vinegar and 2 tablespoons water so the mixture becomes a fairly smooth paste. Now add a ladleful of the hot vinegar liquid drained from the vegetables, stir again and transfer the sauce mixture to a saucepan.
Bring it to the boil, gradually whisking in the remaining hot vinegar. Simmer gently for about 5 minutes, then transfer the vegetables from the colander back to the large bowl, and pour over the sauce. Stir really well now to mix everything evenly, then spoon the piccalilli into the hot, sterilised jars. Cover straightaway with waxed discs, seal with vinegar-proof lids and when cold, label and store the piccalilli in a cool, dry, dark place to mellow for 3 months before eating
xxxmillyxxxThe glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.
- Alfred Austin
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