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Cooking tonight (Mk3)


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  • Lunch: tomato and tuna salad, yogurt for pud.
    Supper: lentil soup and a custard for pud (can't keep calling them cr�me no caramel, and an egg custard suggests pastry).

    Bread as well, plus some Spanish madeleines if I can find the time.


    • Salmon fillets with roasties and a selection of veg.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • No madeleines yesterday but custards and a dried fruit compote. Forgotten how much I like the compote. Guest asked if I'd made it myself. I had to own up and said I'd opened a few packets! Five mins at pressure, assorted dried fruit plus apple juice, a bit of lemon peel and some cinnamon. It's hardly a recipe!

        Lunch: salmon with peas and rice
        Supper: green soup, more compote for pud

        Extras: bread, yogurt and maybe some ginger and fruit biscuits.


        • Last night was roast chicken legs, ratatouille, sweetcorn (nearly finished now), beer battered onion rings and garlic bread.
          Fruit crumble and custard.
          I think tonight will be sausage and mash, onion gravy, carrots and french beans. (I thought they were nearly finished but the warm weather has produced a new batch of flowers)


          • Didn't make the biscuits but the Spanish-style madeleines instead (more like buns, made with sunflower oil, not butter). Different recipe, but the best one yet. Ate some, gave some away, bunged the rest in the freezer.

            Lunch: home-made burger (pork with Italian sausage seasoning) and some kind of veg from freezer
            Supper: paella my way with dried fruit compote for afters if we've got enough room

            Bread request from friend, so a loaf for him and another for us while the oven's hot.
            Seed crackers maybe? Got some of last year's red peppers still in the freezer so could maybe turn those into a dip.


            • On my own for lunch: peanut butter on walnut bread toast. And a bun or two...
              Supper: paella my way (with little pork meat balls and chicken wings this time). The locals would really call this arroz (rice) as it bears no relation to paella whatsoever. Jamie Oliver would have got away with his chicken and chorizo 'paella' here if he'd called it arroz con pollo y chorizo. You can chuck anything in a rice dish called arroz, but not paella.


              • I could really fancy a paella with everything in it including lots of seafood. The mere thought is enough to set my stomach rumbling.

                Last night was prawn curry and naan bread followed by Eve's pudding.

                Tonight will pimientos de P�dron, sweetcorn, salmon baked with lemon and capers, potato scallops, French beans and carrots and homemade tartare sauce.
                Leftover Eve's pudding.


                • Lunch: chicken gyros sandwich. Maybe a bluberry frozen yogurt.
                  Supper: squisotto and salad.

                  More Spanish madeleines and bread for friends and the freezer. Got a hankering for ginger biscuits too. Didn't make them the other day but I can already smell them...


                  • ^We only have plain chocolate in the house. I don't like dark chocolate that much and this particular bar isn't a good one. So, I'll just have to wait for another day when we have milk chocolate in the house... Phew.


                    • Nibbles of olives, sungold tomatoes, cucumber batons and cheese while we were waiting.
                      I got a shepherds pie base I'd made last week out of the freezer and topped it with mashed potato, tomato slices and cheese. We had it with carrots and beans and gravy.
                      Pudding was a weird creation. In the bottom chopped up remnants of apple sponge, then fresh raspberries and crunched up meringue topped with vanilla ice cream.


                      • ^ Pud sounds delish, greenishfing. Never had apple sponge, but I'm sure I'd love it and I certainly love the other ingredients.

                        I think brunch today as we're having a very early supper/extremely late lunch with a friend: nibbles, pork chops, fake roast potatoes (par-boiled and finished in duck fat a pan) and as much cabbage and bacon as I can fit on the rest of the plate, baked peaches for afters.

                        Extras: crackers and a poolish for a sourdough white. Haven't made a sourdough loaf in what feels like ages, as Mr Snoop has come clean and said he prefers the taste of bread made with yeast. But my turn for a sourdough now, I think.


                        • I really should have gone shopping yesterday or today. The fridge is (by normal standards) empty. Not the cupboards or freezers though. In fact the freezers are full to bursting with allotment goodies. I am trying to use some of the meat and fish up to give me more room.
                          Today is chicken thighs out of the freezer, roast vegetables (obviously including courgette) either rice noodles or couscous and the last of the sweetcorn.
                          Strawberries and/or raspberries with ice cream


                          • Yesterday's supper put off to today: friend not hungry and neither were we. And I didn't make the poolish. But I did make some ginger and currant biscuits, very nice.

                            Lunch: big salad.
                            Supper: pork chops and veg. Fruit salad for pud.


                            • At my husband's request yet again prawn and vegetable curry ( including the obligatory courgette mountain) and naan bread. Raspberry trifle.


                              • ^Greenishfing, you've inspired me for supper. I can't eat prawns, but I love the courgettes in Madhur Jaffrey's prawns with courgettes recipe (shrimp with zucchinis in her Indian Cooking book, bad enough that the title is given in American English, but zucchinis with an s?!). Versions online if you've never seen it. So these courgettes and some kind of spicy fish dish. Yum.

                                Lunch: another salad, I think.

                                Forgot to make the poolish last night, so some kind of yeast bread. Not sure what. Milk rolls maybe.


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