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Cooking tonight (Mk3)


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  • Roast chicken, mashed potatoes, carrots, french beans, cabbage and gravy. We ate the legs and wings but I must admit I ate all the rest of the skin as well!!!!


    • Pork casserole tonight with jacket spuds. Very busy day so it was lovely just to bung it all in the oven
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Lunch: another try at the Yorkshire puds with sausage in the bottom plus steamed veg. Baked apples stuffed with prunes (didn't happen yesterday, but it's definitely a hot pud day today).
        Supper: lentil soup. Need to make inroads into the many kilos we have.

        Bread and crackers.


        • ^^ Snoop I always cook my "toads" in a seperate tin to my "holes" and put them together when I take them out of the oven as I find the Yorkshire's don't rise as well with the sausages in them.

          Tonight we're having leftover roast chicken from yesterday with bubble and squeak and gravy. Very little effort involved.


          • Creamed wild mushroom and turkey pasta
            Rice pudding for pud
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Originally posted by greenishfing View Post
              ^^ Snoop I always cook my "toads" in a seperate tin to my "holes" and put them together when I take them out of the oven as I find the Yorkshire's don't rise as well with the sausages in them.
              Fortunately, lunch has been put off till early supper time, so I might try that. Toads first then holes after (only room in oven for one tin at a time). Mr Snoop enjoyed them last time, even though they looked more like flying saucers than Yorkshire puds!


              • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post

                Fortunately, lunch has been put off till early supper time, so I might try that. Toads first then holes after (only room in oven for one tin at a time). Mr Snoop enjoyed them last time, even though they looked more like flying saucers than Yorkshire puds!
                Now you have got me wanting Yorkshire pudding. Plan for tomorrow! Beef casserole (stew) and big Yorkshires cooked in loaf tins.


                • OK, yesterday didn't happen as intended. So going for a rerun, plus might make some mini rondos:
                  Lunch: Yorkshire puds with sausage in them, plus veg.
                  Supper: curried parsnip and oats soup (it's better than it sounds, honest). Anyone intrigued, see recipe here: RecipeSource: Curried Parsnip Soup (Pressure Cooked)


                  • Rice pudding didn"�t happen in the end...but it will tonight.

                    Supper will be a spicy Thai fish noodle soup/ thingy
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Yesterday I made beef stew and Yorkshire puddings so tonight is more of the stew with crusty dumplings, mash and cabbage.


                      • Today: cheese and crackers for lunch, mandarins for afters.
                        Supper (late tea today, really): roast pork from the freezer, mash and veg.

                        Also, crackers, more bread and some turrón biscuits. Turrón is a kind of nougat. In this case, I'm going to use turrón de Xixona (also spelled Jijona), which is very soft and pasty.

                        Given myself three cooking challenges this winter: get to grips with biscuit making (got me some fancy stamps), using chocolate in buns and as ganache (that shouldn't be too difficult... but I don't much like the flavour of cocoa in cakes, so finding a brand I like might be a problem, all advice welcome), and making ravioli. None of them massive challenges. Keeping the weight down will be, though.


                        • Beef.and leek casserole with jacket spuds. And chopped cabbage ...oooohhhh....the thought of Yorkshire puds.....mmmm.....

                          Clemintines for pud
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • ^You're right. I might make Yorkshire puds instead of mash. I think that would be far more popular, especially as potatoes are on the menu for tomorrow.

                            The turrón biscuits are too sweet for my tastes. Shame, because they look the part (used some fancy stamps for the first time and, amazingly, the pattern is really distinct). Will make nice presents, though.


                            • Lunch today: confit de canard, my usual fake roast potatoes plus baby broad beans in bacon and garlic. Pud will be a pastry-less egg custard and either one of the biscuits from yesterday or, if I have time to make them, a chocolate financier. Good bottle of red and a bottle of ordinary port (not easy to get good stuff here).

                              Supper: next to nothing I imagine. Have crackers but might make some soup this morning in readiness, just in case. Got a hankering for leek and potato, but that's a lot of potato and carbs for one day.


                              • I really fancy curry tonight. The only thing I couldn't decide was chicken or prawn. I have finally settled on chicken curry made with chicken thighs and naan.


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