OK, so the pie was not a total success. For starters, Mr Snoop said it wasn't a pie. It was a casserole with a lid on. Oh dear. Also, the pastry was a bit burnt. I made it in our wood-burning oven and told Mr Snoop to get it hot, but not as hot as for bread or pizza. It's an ancient cast-iron job (no thermometer, no window). Anyway, he got a bit enthusiastic and the pastry burnt on top. Not too bad, but nowhere near pretty enough for a picture.
Better be a double-crust pie next time. Also, Mr Snoop's ideal pie would come with chips but that's a total non-starter in my book. Pastry and chips...
The prune and apple galettes with the leftover pastry went down well though.
So tonight: plum pie. Some kind of soup beforehand in a bid not to overdo the calories.
Better be a double-crust pie next time. Also, Mr Snoop's ideal pie would come with chips but that's a total non-starter in my book. Pastry and chips...

The prune and apple galettes with the leftover pastry went down well though.
So tonight: plum pie. Some kind of soup beforehand in a bid not to overdo the calories.