Around 15 years ago I took down a receipe from a breakfast TV program (possibly GMTV or whatever it was back then) and since then everyone has loved my mince pies - so much so I always have to make extra batches for everyone like my Mum etc. This year I cannot seem to find the receipe
- I think I have been Daniel'ed!, as he has a facination for looking through my receipe books and files. 
Can anyone help me please as all the ones I have come across on internet searches today use a mixture of butter and lard whereas the receipe I had was totaly lard.
It also had in it malt vinegar and I am fairly certain it didnt have any eggs or egg yolks.
If anyone can help it would be much appreciated. It may well be I will have to change my receipe so if one of you can pass on a good one then I would be much obliged. Have bought all the lard now so it must use lard!
Thanks in advance!

Can anyone help me please as all the ones I have come across on internet searches today use a mixture of butter and lard whereas the receipe I had was totaly lard.

If anyone can help it would be much appreciated. It may well be I will have to change my receipe so if one of you can pass on a good one then I would be much obliged. Have bought all the lard now so it must use lard!

Thanks in advance!