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new breadmaker


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  • new breadmaker

    Help ...
    Got a breadmaker for Christmas was over the moon - my first loaf was a success ( cheese & onion bread )
    however today i tried to make a wholemeal loaf - it looked mega impressive until the last hour when it just imploded i now have a loaf that has a big cavern in the middle
    why did this happen ? what did i do wrong? - i'm very precise about the measuring bit - being new to this
    reassuringly it still tastes nice
    any ideas?

  • #2
    What breadmaker did you get and what percentage wholemeal / white flour did you use? I tend to find that a 50 / 50 mix works best but that's more cos I find that any more wholemeal tends to give me a heavy loaf rather than an over aired one.

    Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

    Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


    • #3
      Your instruction book should tell you what went wrong.

      I got a new breadmaker yesterday, haven't unwrapped it yet (our last one imploded)
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        Right, I've just unpacked mine.

        It says implosion is due to poor quality flour or too much water.
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          I found the 100% wholemeal a bit too heavy. I always use 1 scoop of wholemeal the rest white, makes a lovely loaf, cook on white bread mode.

          Get back to the earth, learn to grow your own future


          • #6
            Its a Tesco's breadmaker ( i know everyone says panasonic is best but this is my first one )
            I made the wholemeal loaf with good quality wholemeal flour from sainsburys
            - will try again with mix of wholemeal and white
            The loaf is very filling - more so than an off the shelf wholemeal - this is v. encouraging i may eat less in the new year


            • #7
              if you have a lidl, they do white bread flour for 48p ..... makes a nice white loaf.


              • #8
                I use a mix of mainly white(Tesco 58p bread flour) and wholemeal. Of the total amount I make it up with 2oz of mixed seeds, sunflower, linseed and pumpkin. Cook on wholemeal loaf setting. Usually get a good result although my third machine appears to be on its way out as it cooks too brown, even on lightbake. So that's the shower, the washing machine and now the breadmaker, all since 1st January - good start eh?


                • #9
                  We use two thirds wholemeal and one third strong white flour. The flour is from a mix of places, Shipton Mill flour is good, Allinsons and Doves - all sold in supermarkets. I don't see the point of using cheap flour if you're making your own, surely the point is to have wonderfull bread? Made with stoneground organic wholemeal its still a third of the price of a 'rustic / handcrafted' loaves you can buy in specialist markets and shops. If I were going to eat white plastic bread I'd just buy white plastic bread.


                  • #10
                    HoorayNana... I wouldn't bet on eating less... you may well find it so delicious that you eat more!! Its very good for you though.


                    • #11
                      Have just got my breadmaker back out of storage as we have been moving. Made one loaf yesterday which wasn't brilliant, then I spotted that the yeast was out of date at the end of August, still rose, but not as much as it should have. We've eaten loads of it and the rest I've turned into bread sauce tonight to go wit roast chicken and also some stuffing.

                      Just popped another loaf on this evening, and back to as it should be, as DH went shopping for fresh flour, yeast and milk powder. Can't wait for my sandwiches tomorrow.

                      Get back to the earth, learn to grow your own future


                      • #12
                        I make my loaves with a third Soya flour ... it gives a crispy, nutty flavour and texture, as well as increasing the protein content of the bread.

                        Get it from H0lland & Barr�tt or T�sco
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Marthaclematis View Post
                          We use two thirds wholemeal and one third strong white flour. The flour is from a mix of places, Shipton Mill flour is good, Allinsons and Doves - all sold in supermarkets. I don't see the point of using cheap flour if you're making your own, surely the point is to have wonderfull bread? Made with stoneground organic wholemeal its still a third of the price of a 'rustic / handcrafted' loaves you can buy in specialist markets and shops. If I were going to eat white plastic bread I'd just buy white plastic bread.
                          OUCH!! realise that's your opinion of course and if it made plastic bread then I'd share it - but it doesn't!! Each according to his cloth and my coat has to be small.


                          • #14
                            Oh how I've missed homemade fresh bread. I was also given a brand new set of Sabatier Knives for Christmas and the breadknife was fantastic this morning on my new loaf. Wonderful slices, sandwich for hubby for lunch, then a sandwich for my daughter for her breakfast. She devoured it all including the crusts (which she never normally eats).
                            I'm so pleased I got it back on the go.
                            I've never had a problem with the cheaper flours, do love our 3 white scoops to 1 wholemeal scoop mix. There are no nasty preservatives in the bread and it's brilliant.

                            Just finished making some homemade lentil soup to pop in a flask for my DD to drink before her singing lesson after school, plus a slice of buttered bread, should warm the cockles of her heart on this very cold day.

                            Get back to the earth, learn to grow your own future


                            • #15
                              Ha loving the advice - 2/3rds wholemeal and a cup of white has risen beautifully and tastes wicked - i suppose it was very heavy all that wholemeal
                              yum !


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