Sorrel is still very much alive in my garden, and I just found this recipe to use it up
Sorrel & Leek Soup
serves 4
4oz dried beans, soaked & cooked (or a 400g tin)
2oz butter
large handful of young sorrel leaves, chopped
4 large leeks, chopped
4 large spuds, diced
2.5 pints water/stock
1 tbsp single cream (optional)
Melt the butter, add veg & stir through. Saute for a few mins. Add water/stock, simmer for about 30 mins. Add the beans at the end, just to heat through. Serve with cream swirled on top.
from Andi Clevely's 'Allotment Seasonal Planner'
Sorrel & Leek Soup
serves 4
4oz dried beans, soaked & cooked (or a 400g tin)
2oz butter
large handful of young sorrel leaves, chopped
4 large leeks, chopped
4 large spuds, diced
2.5 pints water/stock
1 tbsp single cream (optional)
Melt the butter, add veg & stir through. Saute for a few mins. Add water/stock, simmer for about 30 mins. Add the beans at the end, just to heat through. Serve with cream swirled on top.
from Andi Clevely's 'Allotment Seasonal Planner'