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Grapes - recipes


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  • #16
    Thanks, can't wait to try it.



    • #17
      going off a completely different tangent - my mother used to make pork veronique (pork fillet stuffed with grapes and butter and served with a cream sauce) - it was delish and used up the not so pretty grapes!
      How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


      • #18
        mmm, recipes for grapes, let me think, er, wine perhaps?

        Seriously, sole veronique is a classic of French cookery.


        • #19
          What have i done wrong, my jelly doesnt wand to set? Followed above as said and boiled and boiled till gave up have jared and refrigerated but doesnt seem to be setting.

          Used granulated sugar any suggestions?


          • #20
            it was the first time for making jam and mine was a little runny not sure why annie i had the same problem but it taste great i think my jars might not have been hot enough wounder if SS made it.


            • #21
              New To The Plot runny jam can be caused by all sorts of things. Not enough pectin in the fruit is the usual problem. One batch of strawberry jam that I made was slightly runny and this was because strawberries are low in pectin anyway but they were very ripe which reduces the pectin level. They were also mucky so needed washing and the water affected the setting. You might not have boiled the jam enough to reach setting point but you can also over boil it. One trick to help your jam set is to use either gooseberries or cooking apples. Cook these first and then add your fruit and the pectin levels in the gooseberries or cooking apples sets the jam.


              • #22
                it's not 'runny jam' it's conserve!!!
                How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


                • #23
                  thanks LJ will try again,and i guess i can't make jam, only the posh conserve eh sunbeam


                  • #24
                    What type of fruit were you using for your jam NewTTP?


                    • #25
                      Mine is a syrup. Could i rescue by adding some cooking apples,dont mind some as syrup but not 10 jars!!


                      • #26
                        Have you made jelly Annie? If you have and strained it through a jelly bag then it should be clear. If you were to cook a couple of Bramley apples down and added the syrup to the apples then it would be cloudy. The apples would give it a sharpish flavour. Be sure to boil it again to get to setting point.

                        You could try adding some jamming sugar instead but this would make it too sweet. The other alternative would be to add commercial pectin sold in the supermarkets as Certo in a green bottle. But I don't know how much to suggest using. It is going to be trial and error. I think that you might have used too much water when you first made the jelly.


                        • #27
                          Trying to make jelly??!! It is clear strained it all, done jams before no problem,will have a look for certo or try adding some apples and let you know how goes.


                          • #28
                            I made grape jelly but got a runny grape syrup instead. Have any other posters on this thread managed to rescue their grape jelly and therefore have any tips for me? Not sure whether to empty it all into a pot and boil a bit more - I made it a month ago but only now thought to post for advice on here - DOH!
                            Happy Gardening,


                            • #29
                              Just ressurecting this one......I would give my extra grapes to the SIL to make some fine wine but we aren't going for another month and haven't enough space in the freezer to freeze them - so I'm making grape jelly I think. As there has been some problems with setting, I'm going to use sugar jam. I'm also going to chuck a couple of cloves in there when I am cooking them down. The grapes are really really lovely so I can't wait to try this.


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