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Sharpening knives


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  • Sharpening knives

    Can anyone explain why every time I try to sharpen my knife using a steel I make it even more blunt?
    I draw the blade down the steel at a 20 degree angle as most online searches have suggested. Is it because I'm left-handed?
    Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.

  • #2
    Do it on top of your car window. Chris Evans demonstrated it on Saturday Kitchen and then threw an apple in the air then sliced it in free fall. He did blunt it first on a belt btw.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jay Bee View Post
      Do it on top of your car window. Chris Evans demonstrated it on Saturday Kitchen and then threw an apple in the air then sliced it in free fall. He did blunt it first on a belt btw.
      Is this while I am trying to sharpen my knife ?
      Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.


      • #4
        ooooooooooo errrrrrrrrr missus might be a tad uncomfortable!

        Seriously though nip out roll your car window down and run the blade over the top of the window.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jay Bee View Post
          ooooooooooo errrrrrrrrr missus might be a tad uncomfortable!

          Seriously though nip out roll your car window down and run the blade over the top of the window.
          Thank you for your clarification, jaybee. I shall give it a go in the morning. i'm a bit busy tonight.
          Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.


          • #6
            Woodlore Bushcraft Tips and Advice for Outdoor Survival - How to Sharpen a Knife


            • #7
              I'm left handed and don't have a problem...... never stopped to think how I sharpen though.... sorry, but it does answer the question about being left handed
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              • #8
                it could be that you are applying pressure when you do the stroke, you don't have to apply any pressure at all, just the weight of the blade., you are literally 'stroking' the steel with the knife.
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                • #9
                  i have a solution, ....... i just use them till they don't cut stuff any more, then just buy new ones may need to do something with my lawnmower and hedge cutters this year...... don't wanna buy new ones, too expensive
                  Last edited by lynda66; 18-02-2009, 10:44 PM.


                  • #10
                    The problem is that the steel does not actually sharpen the knife. All it does is remove some of the wire edge and in some respect align it. Unless you have a sharpening steel that is either ceramic or embedded with diamonds.

                    Personally, I don't use sharpening steel (though I would like a ceramic on though). Instead, I use a cheap silicon carbide stone from ebay, which gets the knife nice and sharp every time.



                    • #11
                      Carborundum 'tis what you need. I've still got the one I used as an engineer over a quarter of a century ago.

                      Oh my gosh - was it that long ago?

                      *Sniffles in corner...then goes off to make soup like all good middle aged ladies.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
                        i have a solution, ....... i just use them till they don't cut stuff any more, then just buy new ones may need to do something with my lawnmower and hedge cutters this year...... don't wanna buy new ones, too expensive
                        Hi lynda!

                        I keep meaning to get one of these sharpner things that attatch to an electric drill! I have seen them in garden centers as well and thought thats what I need, for my lawn mower shears and garden spade! Have a look at this link just to give you an idea! lawnmower sharpener

                        As for knives I tend to do it the old way with an oil stone my dear old dad gave me years ago!
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                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Irie Jan View Post
                          Hi lynda!

                          I keep meaning to get one of these sharpner things that attatch to an electric drill! I have seen them in garden centers as well and thought thats what I need, for my lawn mower shears and garden spade! Have a look at this link just to give you an idea! lawnmower sharpener

                          As for knives I tend to do it the old way with an oil stone my dear old dad gave me years ago!
                          hmmmmmmm .....Lynda ....... drill ......... sharp blade ........ clearly you didn't think this through ....... though that hand one looks quite good, i may give it a go, thanks


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
                            hmmmmmmm .....Lynda ....... drill ......... sharp blade ........ clearly you didn't think this through ....... though that hand one looks quite good, i may give it a go, thanks
                            Well Lynda (*ducking as she says tounge in cheek *) You could always get an adult to supervise you with the drill and the sharp blade lol

                            It is the round stone look thingy that attatches to a drill. The drill spins the stone to sharpen the blade at the right angle. lol I thought it might be fun to use!! BIG SMILE!

                            My poor garden spade and lawn edger are as bulnt as un-sharpened pencils! As for my lawn mower blads; they have seen much better days as well LOL

                            DIY RedThorn's cut eye springs to mind!! Hmmm... must weare safety glasses b4 attempting to sharpen blades/garden tools! Must go get safety glasses when I get the sharpner thingy! lol
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                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Irie Jan View Post

                              It is the round stone look thingy that attatches to a drill. The drill spins the stone to sharpen the blade at the right angle. lol I thought it might be fun to use!! BIG SMILE!
                              yup can see it now, 3 fingers less and a lawnmower blade sticking out of my head

                              have had my lawnmower 4 years, i'm not sure they really appreciate chopping up the hedge trimmings without being sharpened
                              Last edited by lynda66; 19-02-2009, 12:43 PM.


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