All I really wanted to do was sleep but seeing as how I have my neice to stay and BB has the devil in him I thought best not!
So I have finaly done what I promised myself I would do this Easter and have had a go at making a simnel cake - its in the oven as I type. 
The kids and I have also made 48
chocolate nests, some of which we shall take to my father-in-laws birthday on Saturday. Now he is on a low iron diet and so shouldnt have chocolate, dried fruit, nuts, (rules taking simnel cake out) etc so I thought I might make a sponge or some buns and decorate with the rest of the mini eggs. Trouble is I have aquired a "heavy gauge 26cm x 6cm cake ring that I have been dying to use but have no idea how to work out what size cake mix I will need for it. I want to make this tomorrow am so hoping someone can jump to my rescue and tell me the answer, how to work it out or give me another suggestion.

The kids and I have also made 48
