Anyone planning on participating in THE BIG LUNCH (national street parties on Sunday 19th July) when the idea is (evidently!) that the nation sits down to eat its own homegrown produce...!!? It's a huge, huge, HUGE idea being promoted (?) by the Eden Project, the RHS and several major outfits including MasterCard and the Post Office and Royal Mail, Google etc... I came across it on the Net by accident, searched for it on this List but couldn't find any earlier references (naff search facility on these Lists if I may say so...) so sorry if repeating earlier correspondence... Ace idea, fun for allotments (bring your own carrots...), I'd travel and take stuff to a GYO version but am not personally inclined to organise one locally as will become a nightmare of Local Authority road closures, insurance etc... But I'm intriqued that there's this massive national "Grow Your Own" (and Eat Your Own) idea afoot for July, it's already mid April and I for one hadn't heard of it.... So someone write and tell me I should get out more...
Supported by the Prime Minister, Jamie Oliver (is he Prime Minister yet?), Boris Johnson, Sainsburys, John Lewis, Coop etc etc Have you heard of it? Further details on
Big Lunch
Have a look... extraordinary! But will it happen?
Big Lunch
Have a look... extraordinary! But will it happen?