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Big thanks to Rossa


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  • Big thanks to Rossa

    My first perfect creme caramels! They looked just the think and were delicious - Thankyou

    I can't believe it after all those failures but it does puzzle me as to why so many recipes can be wrong. You say 6 whole eggs to set a pint of milk, how on earth do they expect it to work with 4 or as one recipe stated, 2 eggs and 2 egg yolks - why? And why heat the milk when you don't have to as you say. You give a lower cooking temperature too with the added tip - again not in any recipe I saw, use boiling water to stand the ramekins in. But it works perfectly, was so pleased.

    It just shows the difference between one who knows the theory behind the cooking and people like me who follow recipes and don't really know the mechanics of what they're doing - but whatever, every time my hens go into overdrive, your creme caramel recipe will be whipped out and put to use.

    If you should ever feel like giving a masterclass in scones......

    again, many thanks

  • #2
    I second you Sue. I could just read what Rossa was saying and see that was a professional talking.
    I know what you mean about recipes - but sometimes I can just read them and know it's rubbish.
    I never follow recipes slavishly but just say that's a good idea and adjust to suit myself.
    I'm not a good sweet cook (don't really like them myself - more of a starter and mains person) but do sweets for special occasions.
    Thank you for your invaluable help Rossa. Your expertise just shines through.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3
      I'm not a good cook but I like trying and getting to conquer certain dishes, resolving to keep trying till it comes out right, I am getting more confident about checking recipes and thinking that doesn't sound right. And I am of the generation that had "domestic economy" at school. The book was so ridiculous - first published in the 1900's - that I've always kept it in case I need to do any invalid cooking or deal with sheeps brains....

      My mother was (and is) an awful cook - due to the war she says but she did let us mess around in the kitchen for which I am very grateful. Tackling cooking from scratch if you've had no experience at all must be even more of an uphill struggle.

      best wishes


      • #4
        Thank you for the compliments.

        You probably could set a pint of milk with 4 eggs but it would take a long time and they would need to be large or extra large eggs. I also know that the protein in the egg white called albumen is what "sets" the custard just like you see the egg white go from opaque to white when you boil, fry or poach an egg. That is the heat of the cooking process setting the protein. That's not something most people know or want to know. (So that's the boring science bit

        The problem with most recipes is that they can assume a knowledge or expertise that isn't there for the reader. And sometimes there are typo errors or the writer has just been too lazy to try the recipe first to make sure it actually works. I know at a glance if a recipe is balanced or not but that is just years of experience and lots of practice including getting it wrong. Even now I make mistakes. The difference is that I can often put things right before they get to the OMG it's a disaster stage.

        Saying that I made a frangipane tart this weekend that wasn't that good. I had bought some ground almonds in Asda that were cheap and they were virtually tasteless. Cheap isn't always best and the end result was not as good as I wanted. Still fine to eat but I learned yet again to pay more for the key ingredients rather than cut corners. Sometimes it pays off but most times it doesn't.

        Also remember that each person's taste is different and what is good to my taste may not be to yours. I have a tendency to like strong flavours which doesn't suit everyone. So I increase quantities of seasonings, herbs, garlic etc that may be too much for you or someone else.

        So any questions about cooking or baking, bring it on. Either post a questions or PM me. I've got one of those minds that retains all sorts of bits of info and even if I don't know the answer can usually point you in the right direction. I can't apologise for being a foodie as it is something we have to do (eat) so I believe we might as well enjoy it.
        "..I went from adolescence to senility, trying to bypass maturity.." Tom Lehrer


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