Another slightly different pudding to have instead of rhubarb crumble.
You need about two cups of stewed rhubarb, sweetened. I try to get it so there're still some biggish chunks and add sugar while stewing but it should still be tart.
(apologies but the recipe is in cups 1 cup = 250ml)
Mix 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons melted butter and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, then add 1 cup self raising flour and 1/4 cup milk, adding about a third of the flour and the same of the milk and mixing well and then another third etc.
Stir in your Rhubard and pour / spread into a baking tin or dish (I use a 7" square baking tin) Bake at 180C / gas 5 for about 30 to 35 minutes. It does go quite darkish brown on top.
Serve hot or warm with cream or custard - very yummy.
This recipe also works with apple and I guess with lots of other fruit
You need about two cups of stewed rhubarb, sweetened. I try to get it so there're still some biggish chunks and add sugar while stewing but it should still be tart.
(apologies but the recipe is in cups 1 cup = 250ml)
Mix 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons melted butter and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, then add 1 cup self raising flour and 1/4 cup milk, adding about a third of the flour and the same of the milk and mixing well and then another third etc.
Stir in your Rhubard and pour / spread into a baking tin or dish (I use a 7" square baking tin) Bake at 180C / gas 5 for about 30 to 35 minutes. It does go quite darkish brown on top.
Serve hot or warm with cream or custard - very yummy.

This recipe also works with apple and I guess with lots of other fruit
