its too early to tell I know ...sorry 
but being new to growing veg, I got carried away and planted all the seeds for four different varieties of tomatoe ....this didn't seem excessive to me until they got transplanted from the seed tray to 5 inch pots .....then relality
hit me ......I have quite a few plants
so I gave some away .....but I won't be able to just eat all the tomatoes that I will grow does anyone have any suggestions of what to do with them all presuming they grow OK
got any interesting recipies ect

but being new to growing veg, I got carried away and planted all the seeds for four different varieties of tomatoe ....this didn't seem excessive to me until they got transplanted from the seed tray to 5 inch pots .....then relality
hit me ......I have quite a few plants

so I gave some away .....but I won't be able to just eat all the tomatoes that I will grow does anyone have any suggestions of what to do with them all presuming they grow OK
got any interesting recipies ect
