Are YOU up to your armpits in them?!
Actually, I wasn't sure this morning as I walked my mug of coffee around the garden, because I was kind of SURE that the Blackbirds had been sneaking one or two whilst I was asleep or something(!)
But it was very noticeable that the Gooseberry bushes in my new garden are very 'overcrowded' and suffering from a bad attack of Mildew (on the actual fruit?) - but hey - what can I do ? All I can do is try and improve their growing habit for next year by selectively pruning out the centre of the bushes, and following advice from anyone that knows better than me, or what I can find out from reading in a book - which is how I like to do that.
I DO love to learn? No matter what you THINK you know - there's always new stuff to learn...... And Gooseberries are in my new garden, and Gooseberries is what I shall now swot up on!!
If you're growing Gooseberries, I'd be really grateful for any advice you've got to give me?
Actually, I wasn't sure this morning as I walked my mug of coffee around the garden, because I was kind of SURE that the Blackbirds had been sneaking one or two whilst I was asleep or something(!)
But it was very noticeable that the Gooseberry bushes in my new garden are very 'overcrowded' and suffering from a bad attack of Mildew (on the actual fruit?) - but hey - what can I do ? All I can do is try and improve their growing habit for next year by selectively pruning out the centre of the bushes, and following advice from anyone that knows better than me, or what I can find out from reading in a book - which is how I like to do that.
I DO love to learn? No matter what you THINK you know - there's always new stuff to learn...... And Gooseberries are in my new garden, and Gooseberries is what I shall now swot up on!!
If you're growing Gooseberries, I'd be really grateful for any advice you've got to give me?