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Grapevine Pudding Recipes


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  • #16
    Chocolate crunchies with flavoured cream

    175g (6oz) golden syrup
    175g (6 oz) butter
    175g (6 oz) good chocolate
    150g (5 oz) cornflakes

    600nl (1pt) double or whipping cream, whipped
    2 tbsps caster sugar
    2 tbsps liqueur of your choice
    Fruit of your choice

    Melt the syrop, butter and chocolate together in a double saucepan and then pour over the cornflakes. Mix so that all the flakes are well covered in chocolate.
    Press this into lightly greased ramekins and hollow up the sides (should give about 12 small cases). Leave to cool and set.
    To the whipped cream mix in the sugar, liqueur and fruit.
    When the cases are set turn out and fill.

    Serve and devour.
    Bright Blessings

    If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mrs Dobby View Post
      Nick, that sounds delish! Wanna bring some to our plot next time you are up this way, or would they all get eaten during the drive here?
      I fear they wouldn't make it to the M6 let alone all the way up there
      Never be afraid to try something new.
      Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
      A large group of professionals built the Titanic


      • #18
        Lemon Delicious

        60g (2oz) butter
        1 cup (7oz) caster sugar
        3 eggs, separated
        2tsps finely grated lemon rind
        1/2 cup (4 fl oz) lemon juice
        1/3 cup (1 1/2oz) plain flour, sifted
        1 3/4 cups (14 fl oz) milk
        1/8 tsp salt

        Have butter softened at room temperature. Set aside 1/4 cup (2oz) caster sugar and cream butter and remaining sugar until light. Add egg yolks one at a time, incorporating each one well before adding the next. Beat in the lemon rind then add the lemon juice. Fold in the flour alternately with the milk to give a very liquid mix. In a clean bowl whisk the egg whites until thick and glossy. Gently fold in to the first mixture, taking care not to overmix.

        Butter a deep 6 cup(48 floz) baking dish or souffle dish and dust with cater sugar, tipping out excess. Pour the lemon mixture into the dish and place it in a roasting pan with hot water to come half way up the side of the dish. Bake in an oven preheated to 180C/350F for 30-35 mins or until well risen and golden. Serve warm, each portion including some of the cake-like top and the sauce underneath.

        This can be quite stunning although simple because it really works. Haven't tried it yet with GF flour though. My neighbour with the coeliac daughter does a chocolate one from a similar recipe which works well though, so this should work with GF flour.
        Bright Blessings

        If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


        • #19
          I should not be here reading this. I've just started a diet. Torture......


          • #20
            Good luck with the diet PT!! Deffo not a thread I'd be wanting to oggle if I was dieting!

            Mind you, I think my mUm used to have an Apple Charlotte recipe that was quite low fat and low calorie, have to email her and ask, and if my rickety memory is correct then I'll post it on here for you, ok?
            Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

            'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

            The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
            Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
            Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
            On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


            • #21
              You can have all of these PT you just cant swallow
              Never be afraid to try something new.
              Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
              A large group of professionals built the Titanic


              • #22
                Oh dear PT. You do know that if you share the pudding with someone your calories are minimal because of that. You are brave starting a diet at this time of year though.
                Bright Blessings

                If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


                • #23
                  Thanks for the lemon pudding EB! I always wanted to make one of those. Mrs D you'll be pleased to know that the apple crumble went down well last night! One day, I WILL get my baked apples right! LOL DDL
                  Bernie aka DDL

                  Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                  • #24
                    They've just done a chocolate one on "Something for the Weekend" which is at

                    That's the printable version but I've checked the link works.
                    Last edited by Earthbabe; 05-11-2006, 11:20 AM.
                    Bright Blessings

                    If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


                    • #25
                      Sticky Toffee Pudding?

                      I know that my efforts in the pudding department haven't been, um, er, so successful so far...................has anyone got a recipe for sticky toffee pudding? I'd like to try making my own. Having said that - if you log onto the cartmel sticky toffee pudding website on t'internet - it's the food hero of rick stein - and I must say the BESTEST sticky toffee pudding ever! and you and buy it on line too - tadge expensive, but it does include p+p if you can't buy it locally! DDL
                      Bernie aka DDL

                      Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                      • #26
                        If you are dieting miss this post!!!

                        Here's an American recipe for the most gorgeous pudding ever. Don't be put off by all the cocoa in the recipe - it is not overpowering or sickly sweet (strangely). Everyone in our house yells for double quantities to be made so there are leftovers. For crockpot read slow cooker!

                        Crockpot Chocolate Fudge Pudding Cake
                        This rich and gooey chocolate pudding cake is made in your crockpot. This rich, gooey cake is good straight from the crockpot, cold or reheated. It doesn't keep very well, but you shouldn't have any left over anyway!
                        � 1 cup flour
                        � 1/2 cup brown sugar
                        � 1/4 cup sugar
                        � 3 Tbsp. cocoa
                        � 2 tsp. baking powder
                        � pinch salt (optional)
                        � 1/2 cup milk
                        � 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
                        � 1/2 tsp. vanilla
                        � 3/4 cup brown sugar
                        � 2 Tbsp. cocoa
                        � 1-3/4 cups hot water
                        Spray 4 quart crockpot with nonstick cooking spray. In large bowl, combine first 5 ingredients and stir to combine. Add milk, cooking oil and vanilla and stir well. Pour into prepared crockpot.
                        In a medium bowl, stir second amount of brown sugar and second amount of cocoa together.
                        Add hot water and mix well until blended. Pour over batter in crockpot; do not stir! Cover crockpot and cook on high about 2 hours or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. 8-10 servings

                        Totally yummy!!!
                        Happy Gardening,


                        • #27
                          Hi Shirley - that sounds yummy! presumably they mean a slow cooker, if so - excellent! I have one I use all the time! Thanks! DDL
                          Bernie aka DDL

                          Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                          • #28
                            Hi DDL - indeed they do mean slow cooker. It is a bit of a pain to follow the instructions the first time but take care and read carefully. It is well worth the effort and becomes easier to follow the more you make it - definately a big fave in our house in the winter time. Now I need a second slow cooker so there is one for the stew and one for the pudding!!!

                            That reminds me, must dig out the recipe for Christmas pudding and rice pudding - both also for the slow cooker
                            Happy Gardening,


                            • #29
                              Here's the rice pudding - tastes just like Ambrosia!!!

                              Creamy Rice Pudding

                              400 ml milk � pt
                              150 ml evaporated milk � pt
                              50g pudding rice 2 oz
                              50g sugar 2 oz
                              15g butter � oz

                              Butter the inside of the stoneware pot. Put all the ingredients into the stoneware pot and stir. Cook on high for 4 � 4 � hours

                              I usually make a double or even triple quantity of this as my elder son devours it like there was no tomorrow!!!
                              Happy Gardening,


                              • #30
                                Darn, my Christmas pudding recipe is on the hard drive which is away to be repaired - sorry folks, you will have to wait a while for that one!
                                Happy Gardening,


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