I've noticed something else about bought foods lately. The ingredients often have several types of sugar listed and a lot of these are forms of glucose syrup. Your body can get energy from these almost instantly which explains why children react must faster and much more extremely to fizzy drinks and also to bought cakes, biscuits etc. if you make your own cakes the chemical structure of the sugar is slightly different and your body has to break it down a bit first before it can use it. A good case I think for make your own as well as grow your own.
I also don't know how many other people know that the biggest beneficiaries of the CAP are sugar producers and maize producers (used to make glucose and corn syrups as well as modified starch - not always on the lists of things to avoid but I would) if they were really serious about improving people's diets they would pull the plug on this. People would eat very differently if they had to pay the full price of many foods at the till instead of through their taxes. The same goes for organic foods, if we all paid the bill for removing fertilisers etc from our water at the checkout organic would suddenly become a cheap option.
Okay off the soapbox and of to school to teach teenagers who've had two chocolates and a fizzy drink for breakfast
I also don't know how many other people know that the biggest beneficiaries of the CAP are sugar producers and maize producers (used to make glucose and corn syrups as well as modified starch - not always on the lists of things to avoid but I would) if they were really serious about improving people's diets they would pull the plug on this. People would eat very differently if they had to pay the full price of many foods at the till instead of through their taxes. The same goes for organic foods, if we all paid the bill for removing fertilisers etc from our water at the checkout organic would suddenly become a cheap option.
Okay off the soapbox and of to school to teach teenagers who've had two chocolates and a fizzy drink for breakfast
