I am currently in the process of ranting at my local supermarket - the topic of this exchange of views is over the short-shelf life of their produce - namely meat etc... I purchased a free-range chook from them one Thurs afternoon and popped it into my fridge, expecting to be able to eat it for Sunday Lunch (3 days later) When I took it out of the fridge, I opened the packaging and it was a little whiffy... when I checked the use by date I found it was thursday I purchased it!
This was annoying, especially as I paid full price for it (and the fact that I had my Mother in Law with us for lunch and with me when I found out it was off) - but what peed me off completely was the fact that the 'sell-by date' and the 'use-by date' were one and the same ! And having looked at other meat products I found that both were the same again!!!
I have complained to the retailer in question and had a very corporate reponse telling me how***** valued my opinion and hope that I enjoy shopping with them, BUT that food retailers are allowed to sell the product at full price until close of the use-by date.
I have informed them that whilst they may be allowed to do so it is poor practise and not acceptable to the consumer ie ME! But also that they missed the point of my complaint which is the lack of difference between sell-by and use-by dates - I will be buying local produce from now and andnot be using their services for anything but necessities from here on !! RANT OVER
Has anyone else noticed this ??

This was annoying, especially as I paid full price for it (and the fact that I had my Mother in Law with us for lunch and with me when I found out it was off) - but what peed me off completely was the fact that the 'sell-by date' and the 'use-by date' were one and the same ! And having looked at other meat products I found that both were the same again!!!
I have complained to the retailer in question and had a very corporate reponse telling me how***** valued my opinion and hope that I enjoy shopping with them, BUT that food retailers are allowed to sell the product at full price until close of the use-by date.

I have informed them that whilst they may be allowed to do so it is poor practise and not acceptable to the consumer ie ME! But also that they missed the point of my complaint which is the lack of difference between sell-by and use-by dates - I will be buying local produce from now and andnot be using their services for anything but necessities from here on !! RANT OVER
Has anyone else noticed this ??